Parameters – Kenton USB-Solo User Manual

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Below is a list of parameters available to edit. The letters in square brackets show [where applicable]

what will be shown in thevalue display.


Parameter (default)

P 01

MIDI receive channel (default :1)


1 to 16

- Sets the MIDI receive channel.

P 02

Retrig Time (default: 5)


off [off] and 0.2mS to 5 (mS) approximately – so 5 in display = 1 millisecond

- If set to off (normal trigger mode), the gate just stays on when a new note is played. (no re-trigger)

If set to a number, a valid new note will briefly turn off the gate to retrigger the envelope generators of
your mono-synth. (multiple trigger). The numbers relate to the off time in 200 microsecond increments

P 03

Note priority (default: new)

The following can be selected:
Low note priority


High note priority


New note priority


- Sets the note priority for the converter.
If set to "lo" then the lowest valid note played takes precedence.
If set to "hi" then the highest valid note played takes precedence.
If set to "nn" then the newest valid note played takes precedence.
The USB SOLO has a 5 note buffer memory so that trill effects can be achieved.

P 04

Pitchbend range (default: 2)


0 to 12 semitones.

- The pitch bend range can be changed in semitone steps from zero to 12 semitones

P 05

Portamento controller number (default: 65)

- Sets which MIDI controller will turn on/off the portamento function.

The following can be selected:



always on



always off

Auto portamento


normally off but legato playing turns portamento on

MIDI controllers #0 to 119

values 64 and above =on, 63 and below =off

The standard MIDI controller for portamento on/off is #65 which is the default, but with this command ,
the USB SOLO allows you to use another controller, direct control or Auto Portamento if you wish.

P 06

Portamento time / rate (default :98)


1 to 127

- Sets the portamento (glide or slide) time. This can also be adjusted in real time over MIDI using
controller #5 (portamento time). This number is just a value, it is not calibrated in mS or any other unit.
To turn portamento off, set portamento controller (parameter 05) to off, don’t use this parameter.