Message, 4 message – Verykool i601 User Manual

Page 12

background image

Phone: You can input the contact name, mobile

phone, home phone, etc. You can also set special
image and ring for the contact entry.

SIM: The input record will be saved to SIM, with each

name one phone number.



4.1 Write message

In the main menu, select [MessageWrite message] to edit
a new SMS directly. After writing an SMS, select <Send > to
send the message.

4.2 Inbox

Store all received SMS.

4.3 Outbox

Store all SMS failed to be sent.

4.4 Drafts

Save edited SMS haven’t sent.

4.5 Sentbox

Store all the SMS successfully sent out. If you want the sent
messages be saved automatically, please select
[MessageOptions], then select [SettingsSMSSave
sent messages

4.6 Message setting

On the Home Screen, press Send Key to enter the main
menu, then select [MessageOptions] to enter the message
setting menu.
