Operation guide 5302 – G-Shock GA-1000 User Manual

Page 5

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3. In any mode (except a setting mode), press

C to take a digital

compass reading.

This will cause the mode dial hand to move to COMP.

4. While direction angle readings are in progress, press

E to record the

currently displayed direction in Bearing Memory.

The direction angle value and bearing pointer that are stored in

Bearing Memory will remain indicated for about 20 seconds.

To re-display the Bearing Memory direction angle value and

Bearing Memory Pointer, press


See “Using Bearing Memory” (page E-26) for more information.

5. Now you can advance while monitoring the Bearing Memory Pointer to

ensure that it remains in the 12 o’clock position.


E while the Bearing Memory direction angle value and

Bearing Memory Pointer are shown will clear the Bearing Memory
data you saved in step 4.


When mountain climbing or hiking, conditions or geographic contours may make it impossible for

you to advance in a straight line. If this happens, return to step 1 and save a new direction to the

12 o’clock

Bearing Memory Pointer


Direction angle of
current reading

Bearing memory
direction angle value

12 o’clock

Bearing Memory Pointer


Direction angle of
current reading

Bearing memory
direction angle value


Digital Compass Precautions
This watch features a built-in magnetic bearing sensor that detects terrestrial magnetism. This means that
north indicated by this watch is magnetic north, which is somewhat different from true polar north. The
magnetic north pole is located in northern Canada, while the magnetic south pole is in southern Australia.
Note that the difference between magnetic north and true north as measured with all magnetic compasses
tends to be greater as one gets closer to either of the magnetic poles. You should also remember that
some maps indicate true north (instead of magnetic north), and so you should make allowances when
using such maps with this watch.


Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can cause large errors in

readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the
following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal
(metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal
computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.

Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete structures. This is

because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.


The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes magnetized. Because of

this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism,
including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household appliances (TVs, personal
computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).

Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To

perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-23).


Taking Temperature Readings

This watch uses a temperature sensor to measure temperature.

To enter and exit the Thermometer Mode
1. While in the Timekeeping Mode, press

E to enter the Thermometer


TEMP will appear in the upper display and temperature
measurement will start. After about one second, the measurement
reading will appear in the lower display.

The watch will continue to take temperature readings every fi ve
seconds for one or two minutes.

2. Press

E to return to the Timekeeping Mode.

The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you
do not perform any operation for about one or two minutes after
entering the Thermometer Mode.

To take temperature readings
While in the Timekeeping Mode, press


This starts temperature measurement automatically.





Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).

The displayed temperature value changes to - - - °C (or °F) if a

measured temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C
(14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as
the measured temperature is within the allowable range.

Display Units
You can select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) for the displayed temperature value. See “To specify
the temperature unit” (page E-37).

Temperature Sensor Calibration

The temperature sensor built into the watch is calibrated at the factory and normally require no further
adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the temperature readings produced by the watch, you can
calibrate the sensor to correct the errors.


Incorrectly calibrating the temperature sensor can result in incorrect readings.

Carefully read the following before doing anything.
– Compare the readings produced by the watch with those of another reliable and accurate thermometer.
– If adjustment is required, remove the watch from your wrist and wait for 20 or 30 minutes to give the

temperature of the watch time to stabilize.




To calibrate the temperature sensor

1. Take a reading with another measurement device to determine the

exact current temperature.

2. With the watch in the Timekeeping Mode, press

E to enter the

Thermometer Mode.

3. Hold down

A for about two seconds until the temperature reading

disappears from the bottom display. Release

A at this time, which will

cause the temperature reading to fl ash, which indicates the setting

4. Use

E (+) and B (−) to calibrate the temperature value with the reading of another instrument.

Each press of a button changes the temperature value in units of 0.1°C (0.2°F).

To return the currently fl ashing value to its initial factory default setting, press

E and B at the

same time.


A to return to the Thermometer Mode.

Thermometer Precautions
Temperature measurements are affected by your body temperature (while you are wearing the watch),
direct sunlight, and moisture. To achieve a more accurate temperature measurement, remove the watch
from your wrist, place it in a well ventilated location out of direct sunlight, and wipe all moisture from the
case. It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the case of the watch to reach the actual surrounding


Specifying Temperature Unit

Use the procedure below to specify the temperature unit to be used in the Thermometer Mode.

When TOKYO is selected as the Home City, the temperature unit is set
automatically to Celsius (°C). This setting cannot be changed.

To specify the temperature unit
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, press

E to enter the Thermometer Mode.

2. Hold down

A for about two seconds until the temperature reading

disappears from the bottom display. Release

A at this time, which will

cause the temperature reading to fl ash, which indicates the setting

3. Press

D to display the current temperature unit in the lower display.

4. Press

E to toggle the temperature unit between °C (Celsius) and °F


5. After the setting is the way you want, press

A to exit the setting



Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone

You can use the World Time Mode to view the current time in one of 31 time zones (48 cities) around the
globe. The city that is currently selected in the World Time Mode is called the “World Time City”.

You also can swap the current World Time City and Home Time City in the World Time Mode (page


To enter the World Time Mode

D to select the World Time Mode as shown on page E-8.

The mode dial hand will point to WT, and the current city code and city

name will scroll across the upper display. After that, the city code will
remain shown in the upper display. You can scroll the city code and
city name again by pressing


Digital Meter A shows the seconds count.

The hour, minute, and second hands will indicate the current

Timekeeping Mode time.

To view the time in another time zone
In the World Time Mode, use

E (East) to scroll through city codes.

Currently selected
World Time City

Current time in the currently
selected World Time City

Currently selected
World Time City

Current time in the currently
selected World Time City


To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city

1. In the World Time Mode, use

E (East) to scroll through the available

city codes.

Keep scrolling until the city code whose standard time/daylight

saving time setting you want to change is shown in the upper

2. To toggle between summer time (DST in the lower display) and

standard time (DST not displayed), hold down


Using the World Time Mode to change the DST setting of the

city code that is selected as your Home City also will change the
Timekeeping Mode time DST setting.

Note that you cannot switch between standard time/daylight

saving time (DST) while UTC is selected as the World Time City.

Note that the standard time/daylight saving time (DST) setting

affects only the currently selected time zone. Other time zones are
not affected.

To change the city code to UTC, press

B and E at the same


DST indicator

Hold down


DST indicator

Hold down


Operation Guide 5302

This manual is related to the following products: