Controlling color saturation (saturation), Adjusting image contrast (contrast), Specifying flash intensity (flash intensity) – Casio EXILIM K1190PCM1DMX User Manual
Page 60
Advanced Settings
[r] (REC) * [MENU] * Quality Tab * Saturation
You can specify one of five saturation settings from +2 (most saturated) to –2 (least
[r] (REC) * [MENU] * Quality Tab * Contrast
You can specify one of five contrast settings from +2 (most contrast between light and
dark) to –2 (least contrast between light and dark).
[r] (REC) * [MENU] * Quality Tab * Flash Intensity
You can specify one of five flash intensity settings from –2 (weakest) to +2
• Flash intensity may not change when the subject is too far away or too close.
Controlling Color Saturation (Saturation)
Adjusting Image Contrast (Contrast)
Specifying Flash Intensity (Flash Intensity)
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