Chroma USA 8000 User Manual
Switching power supply automatic test system, Switching power supply ats, Model 8000

Switching Power
Supply ATS
The Chroma Automatic Power Supply Test
system Model 8000 is the ultimate solution
for power electronic testing. The system
includes a wide range of hardware choice
such as AC/DC Sources, Electronic Loads,
DMM, Oscillate Scope, Noise Analyzer and
OVP/Short Tester. This flexibility combined
with its open architecture software platform
- P o w e r P r o I I I , g i v e s u s e r s a f l e x i b l e ,
powerful and cost effective test system for
almost all types of power supply testing.
The C8000 test system uses a unique test
c o m m a n d o p t i m i z a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y t o
prevent repetitive control commands from
being sent to the system hardware devices.
This improve test speed dramatically and
makes the Chroma 8000 an ideal choice for
both high speed production applications as
well as design verification.
T h e C 8 0 0 0 t e s t s y s t e m i n c l u d e s a
sophisticated test executive which includes
pre-written test items covering almost all
industry standard power supply tests. User
may also create new test items by using a
special test item editing function. This gives
u s e r s t h e c a p a b i l i t y t o e x p a n d t h e t e s t
library unlimitedly.
PowerPro III also includes powerful report,
statistic and management functions, making
the system capable to generate various test
d o c u m e n t s a n d p e r f o r m i n g s y s t e m
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . B e c a u s e t h e t e s t a n d
statistical reports are critically important in
modern factories for R/D evaluation, QA
verification and production tests, these
functions are an integral part of the system.
Wo r k i n g u n d e r W i n d o w 9 8 / 2 0 0 0 / X P t h e
model 8000 provides test engineers with a
dedicated power supply test system in an
easy-to-learn Windows environment and
allow access to resources provided by
MODEL 8000
Key Features :
Open architecture software
- Expandable hardware support
- Support GPIB instruments &
RS232/RS485/I2C interface
- User editable test library
- User editable test programs
- User editable reports
- Statistic report
- On-Line Softpanel
- User authority control
- Release control
- Activity log
- Multi-UUT test capability for
single-output PSU
- Support Barcode reader
- Support Web-cam for remote
monitoring via Internet
Capable of testing almost any
power supply or related device
Comprehensive hardware modules
provide high accuracy and repetitive
High test throughput by system
default test items
Microsoft Word based evaluation
report or UUT characterization
Cost effective
Other hardware expandable upon
Windows98/2000/XP based software