Jaypro Sports FP-89 User Manual
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4) Center the template over the 1 3/8” diameter hole. When making the counter-
bored hole, keep pressure on the template at all times. This will keep the template
from slipping and the wood floor around the hole from splintering. Do not set the
depth of the router at ¼” immediately. Gradually work down to the depth at
which the floor plate is just flush with the surface of the floor. Check the depth
by placing the floor plate into the hole several times to be sure that the hole is not
too deep. When installed, the floor plate must be perfectly flush with the top
surface of the floor.
5) Screw the ½” bolt with the nut into the bottom of the floor plate. Adjust the bolts
so it will reach ½” to ¼” from the bottom of the hole when the floor plate is in
place. Tighten the nut against the floor plate bottom to lock the bolt into place.
Tighten the nut against the floor plate bottom to lock the bolt into place. In some
cases, the bolt supplied with the fp-89 unit will not reach to the bottom of the hole
in the cement; if this happens, a longer bolt or threaded rod should be used to
insure reaching the bottom.
6) Next, completely remove the dust from the hole by using a vacuum cleaner, air
compressor, or battery filler.
7) Fill the hole with water. Scrub the sides and bottom with a stiff brush, such as a
bottlebrush. This is very important.
8) Remove excess water and any loose particles with a rag or other absorbent
material. Leave the hole clean and uniformly damp.
9) Mix the anchor bolt cement in a clean container.
Note: See manufacturers instructions for proper use.
Do not add sand, gravel, or other foreign substances to the cement. These weaken
the cement and affect the setting.
Do not add too much water or re-temper cement, which has begun to set up, in the
container with additional water. This will result in failure of the cement to attain
the proper strength.
10) Turn a ½” bolt into the floor plate enough to hold it securely. Pour the cement
mixture into the hole until it is about ¾ full. Dip the floor plate into water in
order to wet the outer surface, but do not let any water get inside. Holding the
floor plate by the ½” bolt, slowly lower it into the hole until the top plate is seated
properly. The top of the plate should be flush with the floor. Excess cement
should flow around the top plate. If not, more cement should be added. Scrape
the excess cement from around the floor plate with a putty knife or scraper.
Remove the ½” bolt.
11) Using a 5/32” drill bit, drill four holes in the wood floor, 2 1/8” deep to receive
the tapping screws. Use the four holes in the top of the plate for guide holes for
drilling. Turn the wood screws in making sure that they are straight and seated
12) Allow 24 hours from time of installation for complete setting. After 24 hours,
apparatus may be set up and used with the floor plates.