Jaypro Sports AS-300 User Manual
Page 4

2) Assemble the pulley as shown in “View ‘B’”. Tighten the fasteners firmly. The
pulley is used to route the top cable of your net to the Cable Buckle Assembly (4).
Place the completed pulley assembly at the height appropriate for the game
3) Slide the cable buckle assembly (4) onto one upright (1) and fasten in position
using the hardware as indicated. The nylon strap should be facing upward.
4) Place an upright (1) into each t-base assembly (3) and lock into place using a hex
head screw 3/8”-16 x 3 ¼” (5), locknut 3/8”-16 (6), and square head set screw
3/8”-16 x 1 ½” (16). Tighten firmly. Attach one guy cable assembly (7) to each
upright and fasten in place with a locknut 5/16”-18 (13). Hook the turnbuckle to
the t-base and tighten the guy cable until it is partially taut.
5) Place each t-base assembly (3) over a floor plate and tighten the handknob
completely into the floor plate approximately ¾” deep, then tighten the handle nut
onto the t-base. This will firmly anchor the standards to the floor. For best
results, permanently mark the floor at the end of each base leg. This will facilitate
subsequent set-ups by defining the exact base location and floor plate position.
6) Assemble the remaining eyebolts 5/16”-18 X 4” (8) onto each upright at the
height positions appropriate to the game selected. Clip the net’s top cable to the
eyebolt in one upright, draw the net across the playing surface to the opposite
upright, run the cable end through the pulley assembly and clip the loop to the
cable buckle assembly (4). If the net’s top cable is too long, two 1/8” cable
clamps have been supplied so that the cable can be shortened and re-looped.
7) Slowly apply tension to the net. Check the uprights to assure that they have
remained plumb with the playing surface and if necessary, tighten the guy cables
slightly. See “Net Tensioning Instructions” for complete information on how to
properly use the patented cable buckle.