Jaypro Sports FBSC-240EB User Manual
Page 3

Rev: A
Page 3 of 8
Site prep:
1. Determine the proper location for the goal uprights on the playing field. The spacing
between uprights is 24’-4” center to center. Dig the footing holes to the dimensions as
shown on the illustration below. These are minimum suggested dimensions for
average soil conditions.
2. For best results assemble the lower goal frame; uprights and crossbar assembly on the
ground prior to placing in the footing.
Semi-permanent installation: SGP-445G ground sleeve sold separately
1. Note: Whenever goal is removed from ground sleeves for maintenance or storage,
always cover the open end of the sleeve using the top cap provided.
2. Install ground sleeves as shown in drawing SGP-445G. Ground sleeves may be
installed with or without using the goal frame itself.
3. If using goal frame to install sleeve in. Slide the sleeves onto the bottom of each
upright and lower the assembled goal into the footing. Be careful to ensure that
concrete does not enter the sleeve – recommend wrapping tape around goal upright &
top of sleeve. Make sure the distance between the underside of the soccer crossbar
and the playing surface measures 8 FT. Brace the structure to assure that it doesn’t
shift during curing process.
4. Wait for the concrete to fully cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (A
minimum of 48 hours)
Permanent installation:
1. Lower the assembled goal (see frame assembly instructions) into the footing. Pay
special attention to proper orientation with regards to the face side. Block beneath and
around each upright, plumb the structure and pour the concrete. Check that the
distance between the playing surface and the crossbar of the upright is 8’. Brace the
structure to assure that it does not shift during the footing curing process.
2. Wait for the concrete to fully cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (A
minimum of 48 hours)
These are suggested dimensions for average soil conditions,
consult local building codes.
6” of crush stone, block or concrete footing.