Cuisinart DLC-XP User Manual
Page 37

clean the inside of the work bowl and forms a ball. Let the
machine run for 80 seconds to knead the dough.
With lightly floured hands, carefully remove the dough from the
work bowl and shape into a smooth ball. Place in a lightly floured
jumbo resealable food storage bag. Squeeze the air out and seal
the bag. Let rise in a warm (80°F), draft-free place until doubled
in bulk, about 1 - 1
hours. Coat 3 loaf pans
(8 cup: 9 x 5 x 3 inch) with cooking spray.
Punch the dough down, divide into 3 equal parts (use a Cuisinart
scale for best measurements), cover loosely and let rest for
10 minutes. Shape into 4 loaves and place each in one of the
prepared loaf pans. Cover with plastic wrap that has been
sprayed with cooking spray, and let rise in a warm, draft-free
place until the center of the loaf is slightly higher than the pan,
about 1-1
hours. Fifteen minutes before baking, arrange the
rack in the center of the oven, and preheat the oven to 375°F.
Lightly brush the loaves with milk.
Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Bread will be
golden and sound hollow when tapped. Remove from the pans
and allow to cool completely before cutting.
Nutritional analysis per 2 ounce serving:
Calories 126 (20% from fat) • carbo. 22g • pro. 3g • fat 3g •
sat. fat 0g • chol. 6mg • sod. 173mg • fiber 0g
Yield: 6 loaves, about 13 ounces each
Preparation: 10 minutes; 1 3/4 to 2 1/2 hours to rise and bake
tablespoons instant yeast (1/2 ounce)
cup warm water
cups all-purpose flour (3 pounds, 4 ounces)
tablespoons kosher salt (1 ounce)
cups cool water
In a 4-cup glass measure with a spout, dissolve the yeast in one
cup of warm water along with a generous pinch of the flour and
let stand until foamy, about 5 to 10 minutes. (If there is no
foaming or bubbling, the yeast is not active – discard and begin
again with fresh yeast.) Insert the dough blade. Process to
combine the remaining flour and salt, 15 seconds. Add the cool
water to the yeast mixture. With the machine running, pour the
mixture through the feed tube in a steady stream as fast as the
flour will absorb it (it should take about 50 seconds). Once the
dough has formed a single mass, continue to process for 1
minute to knead. With lightly floured hands, carefully remove the
dough from the work bowl and place in a lightly floured jumbo
resealable plastic storage bag. Squeeze the air out and seal. Let
the dough rise in a warm (about 80°F) place until doubled in bulk,
about 45-60 minutes.
With lightly floured hands, remove the dough from the bag and
place on a lightly floured counter. Divide the dough into 6 equal
pieces (about 14.5 ounces each), let rest for 5 – 10 minutes.
Working with one piece at a time, flatten into a 6 x 10 inch rec-
tangle. Working with the long edges, fold the dough in thirds.
Press together and pinch to seal the seam. Use the palms of
your hands to roll the dough into a cylinder about 14 inches in
length. Arrange the loaves seam side down on parchment lined
baking sheets (not air-bake), two loaves per sheet. Cover loosely
with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm (80°F) place until nearly
doubled in bulk, about 30-45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 450°F.
Rub each loaf lightly with 1 tablespoon of flour. Use a serrated
knife to make 4 diagonal slits in each loaf, about 1/4 inch deep.
Bake the loaves in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, until
well-browned and hollow sounding when tapped. For best tex-
ture, allow to cool for 20-30 minutes on a rack before serving, or
cool completely and reheat if warm bread is desired.
Nutritional analysis per 2 ounce serving:
Calories 104 (2% from fat) • carbo. 23g • pro. 3g • fat 0g •
sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 579mg • fiber 0g