Cuisinart DLC-XP User Manual

Page 32

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Over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a


3-quart sauté pan. Add the chopped garlic and onions

and the drained, sliced leeks; cook until tender and wilted, about
5 minutes. Stir in the vegetable broth, herbs, salt, and pepper;
bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.
Drain, reserving the vegetables and broth separately.

Insert the 4 mm slicing disc. Slice the russet potatoes using firm
pressure; remove and reserve. Slice the sweet potatoes using
firm pressure; remove and reserve.

Arrange half the sliced russet potatoes in the prepared pan; top
with half the sliced sweet potatoes; distribute half the leek/onion
mixture over the sweet potatoes, and sprinkle with the remaining
Parmesan cheese. Repeat the layers, ending with sweet
potatoes. Pour the reserved broth over the potatoes. Top evenly
with the buttered crumb and cheese mixture. Cover with a sheet
of foil that has been coated with cooking spray and bake in the
preheated oven for 45 minutes. Uncover and continue to bake
until the potatoes are tender, 20 – 30 minutes longer. Let the
potatoes rest for 10 – 15 minutes before serving.

Note: If you wish to prepare this dish ahead, blanch both types of
potatoes separately for 3 minutes in boiling water to which
1 teaspoon of vinegar has been added; this will prevent them
from darkening.

Nutritional analysis per serving:

Calories 226 (23% from fat) • carbo. 38g • pro. 7g • fat 6g •

sat. fat 1g • chol. 13mg • sod. 488mg • fiber 4g


Yield: 3 pounds – twelve 4-ounce servings
Preparation: 15-20 minutes

1-1/2 pounds green cabbage, cored, cut to fit large feed tube

pound red cabbage, cored, cut to fit large feed tube


small red bell pepper, cored and seeded, cut in quarters


small green bell pepper, cored and seeded,
cut in quarters


ounces carrots, cut to fit the feed tube horizontally


small red onion, peeled, cut in 1-inch pieces


clove garlic, peeled


cup mayonnaise, p. 34


cup drained fat-free plain yogurt *

1/4-1/3 cup granulated sugar, to taste

tablespoons cider vinegar

1/2 tablespoon




teaspoons kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon



teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Insert the 2 mm slicing disc. Arrange the cabbages in the large
feed tube, cut side down; use medium pressure to slice. Transfer
to a large bowl. Arrange the peppers in the large feed tube; use
light pressure to slice. Insert the shredding disc. Arrange the car-
rots in the feed tube horizontally; use medium pressure to shred.
Transfer the vegetables to the bowl with the cabbage; toss to

Insert the metal blade. Chop the onion, 5-10 seconds. Add the
chopped onion to the bowl of vegetables. With the machine
running, drop the garlic through the feed tube; process 5 seconds
to chop. Scrape the work bowl. Add the mayonnaise, drained
yogurt, sugar, vinegar, Tabasco


, salt, cumin, and pepper to the

work bowl. Process until smooth and creamy, 15-20 seconds.
Pour the dressing over the vegetables in the bowl and mix well
to combine. Allow to sit, refrigerated, for 30-60 minutes before
serving to allow the flavors to blend.

Coleslaw may be made up to 1 day ahead, covered and
refrigerated. As with all products containing mayonnaise,
follow safe food handling and refrigeration procedures for
storing and serving.

* To drain yogurt, place yogurt (without gelatin in the ingredients)

in a yogurt strainer or strainer lined with a coffee filter and allow
the liquid (whey) to drain out. After about 12 hours, the yogurt
will be thickened and reduced in volume by about half. It may