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Plain View 2 Coded Valet Mode

All car alarms have a valet mode that turns off the security features. This mode turns off the alarm if the system is not responding to the remote. However,

thieves disable other alarms by flicking this easy-to-find “hidden” valet switch. In contrast, your system has safeguards that ensure a thief cannot enable the

valet mode as a way of “turning off” your system. To enable valet mode, the driver must first enter the secret valet/disarming PIN (personal identification

number) code — the same PIN code described in the BlackJax anti-carjacking section — on the PlainView 2 switch mounted on your vehicle’s dash or

console. When the system is in valet mode, it overrides AutoArming and all other security features, which is handy when refueling or washing your car.

The system’s factory- set valet/disarming PIN code is 2: ✱✱ blank.

NOTE: If you tem po rar ily lose the use of your re mote con trols, you can dis arm the sys tem by ena bling valet mode.

Entering a code

To enter your PIN code, press the ✱ button the appropriate number of times on the PlainView 2 switch followed by the blank button. To enter a zero, you

simply press the blank button.

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