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Auto matic mal func tion by pass with AutoRe Moni tor ing™

The system automatically bypasses any faulty point and arms all other triggers and sensors for the utmost possible protection. If you accidentally arm with

the hood, trunk or a door open, just close it (no need to disarm-and-rearm) and the system will again monitor that point.

Multiple- event To tal Re call™

The system’s memory records the identity of the last eight activated or malfunctioning triggers and sensors, which allows your installer to instantly track down

malfunctions. To identify the triggers and sensors held in the system’s memory, use the following procedure:
1. Remotely arm and disarm while pressing the blank button on the PlainView 2 switch.

2. The LED will flash 1-10 times to indicate the most recently activated point, pause, flash 1-10 times to indicate the second most recently activated

point, and so on.

3. Write down the number of flashes between pauses and refer to the chart above.

With the optional CliffNet Wizard, you’ll see this chronological report right on screen.

Smart prior in tru sion at tempt alert

If you hear three chirps when you disarm, it means that a trigger or sensor was activated in your absence. When you turn on the ignition, the LED will flash 1-10

times, pause, then repeat the flash cycle 4 more times. Count the flashes in one cycle and refer to the chart above.

Smart trunk re lease op tion

If the optional remote trunk release was installed, you may use button 2 of the master remote control or the

button of the companion remote to release

the trunk latch. The system’s electronic interlock prevents unintentional activation of the remote trunk release when you drive, or when the system is armed.

The Smart Trunk Release feature requires installer programming, so if you have the optional trunk release installed, you may want to verify that it will NOT

activate when the system is armed. If it can be activated while armed, causing the alarm to sound, please return to your installing Clifford Dealer and have

them correct this (it only takes a couple minutes and there will be no charge to you).

Op tional Cliff Net Wiz ard™ & Da ta Port In ter face Con nec tor

If you opted to have the Clifford DataPort interface connector installed with your system, you can use our CliffNet Wizard software to access your system

through your Windows PC. CliffNet Wizard will show you, on your PC screen, all your user-programmable feature settings. You can change settings

simply by mouse-clicking the graphical button for each feature. You can customize features, add or delete remote controls, change remote control button

assignments, view a chronological history of trigger and sensor activations, and much more. It’s actually fun! And secure. To learn more and download

this free software, go to