Glossary – HONDA 2015 Pilot - Navigation Manual User Manual

Page 152

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Navigation System


Initialization - This refers to the period

needed to reacquire the GPS satellite

orbital information whenever the

navigation system power has been

disconnected. This can take 10 to 45

minutes with the vehicle out in an

open area.

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display. The

navigation screen.

Map Matching - The received GPS

information allows the navigation

system to position the vehicle on the

map. Map matching has occurred if

the map screen is displaying the

current street name in the bottom

shaded area.

Mic - Abbreviation for the microphone

used for receiving voice commands.

It is located near the map lights in the


MW - Maneuver Window. While en

route to a destination, this window

displays information about the next

guidance point.

Navi - Abbreviation for the navigation


North Pointer - The map symbol

showing the map orientation. See

page 61.

Off road - This occurs when the user

leaves mapped roads. Off-road

tracking dots (“breadcrumbs”) are

displayed if the option is enabled in

the SETUP screen. The user can use

them to return to a mapped road. The

bottom of the navigation screen will

say, “Not on a digitized road.”

Outlying Areas - These are rural areas

that typically have only their main

roads mapped. All other roads are

shown in purple for reference only,

since they have not been verified.

PIN - Personal Identification Number.

A 4-digit number created by the client

to protect personal information.

POI - Point of Interest. These are the

businesses, schools, etc. found under
Place category

or Place Name on

the DEST screen (Dest. MENU 1).

See page 54.

Polygon - Colored areas on the map

screen denoting parks, schools, etc.

See Map Screen “features” for a list

of the assigned colors. See page 54.

Reminder - Automatic pop-up

Calendar message. See Calendar on

page 79.

Security Code - Code needed to

activate the navigation system or

audio system. See Entering the

Security Code on page 118.

Unverified Streets - These streets have

not been verified for turn restrictions,

one-way, etc. They are shown in

purple on the map. Unverified streets

may be missing from the map, shown

in the wrong location, or have an

incorrect name or address range.