Heckler&Koch USP TACTICAL User Manual
Page 8

WArNiNG: The use of in cor rect am mu ni tion in the pis tol could re sult in dam age to the
pis tol and/or in ju ry to the op er a tor or bystanders. Be careful not to inadvertently mix
9mm and .40 caliber am mu ni tion. 9mm ammunition will slide past the cham ber and into
the barrel in a .40 caliber pistol causing a barrel obstruction resulting in damage to the
pistol and/or personal injury.
NOTe: Do not attempt to load more than the prescribed number of cartridges into the
magazine. Do not alter the shape of the magazine housing, fol low er, or spring. To do
so may cause stoppages or the mag a zine may not seat properly in the pistol.
Filling the Magazine - (See Figure 9 below)
Fig. 9 Loading magazine
1. Hold the magazine in the non-firing hand with the back side of the mag a zine
resting against the palm.
2. Using the firing hand, hold a car tridge between the index finger and thumb with
the projectile facing the palm.
3. Press the rim of the cartridge down against the forward edge of the mag a zine
follower or on the top car tridge al ready in the magazine.
4. Slide the cartridge back into the mag a zine under the feed lips.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until the magazine is full. The viewing holes in the back of the
mag a zine allow the operator to confirm the number of car tridg es present with in
the mag a zine.
NOTe: An optional magazine loading tool is available from HK.
emptying the Magazine
Exert pressure with a finger on the base of the cartridge and push each cartridge forward
out of the mag a zine one at a time until the magazine is empty.
WArNiNG: Forcefully inserting a loaded mag a zine into the USP Pistol may cause
the pistols slide to close, cham ber ing a car tridge and mak ing the USP ready to fire.
When inserting a magazine, always be cer tain the control lever (if applicable), is in the
“SAFe” position and that the pistol is point ed in a safe di rec tion with your fingers off
the trigger and outside the trig ger guard. Failure to do so could cause you to un in-
ten tion al ly fire the pistol, re sult ing in se ri ous injury or death.