Great River Electronics MIXMASTER 20 User Manual
Page 7

Channels One thru Four
These channels are transformer coupled in and out, have a maximum direct
output level of +29dBu, and have both mic and line inputs.
The microphone preamp is a transformer coupled high gain low noise design that
will accept up to a +15dBu microphone signal. Phantom power is applied with the
+48 button in. Set the desired preamplifier gain with the MIC GAIN pot. Normal
operation is with the channel LEVEL pot at the 0 position, but this can be varied as
The line input stage is also transformer coupled, and will accept up to a +24dBu
signal. Set the line input sensitivity with the LINE GAIN pot. Unity gain operation is
at 0. Again, normal operation is with the channel LEVEL pot at the 0 position.
Operation of the channel is selected by the MIX/LINE pushbutton, out is mic in,
line input is selected with the button in. Polarity of either signal will be reversed
when the POLARITY button is pressed.
When the PATCH button is pressed, the external patch loop return for that
channel will be selected. The patch send is always active. This allows you to
instantly listen to the effect of any processing in the loop. It is a hardwire bypass
of the loop.
These channels may be sent to the mix bus by pressing the TO MIX button. The
channel may also be soloed with the SOLO button.
Each channel may also be assigned to any of four auxiliary busses by pressing the
appropriate AUX button, and raising the level of the corresponding AUX pot.
These outputs are only active when the channel is assigned to the mix bus.