Great River Electronics MIXMASTER 20 User Manual
Page 2

All other connections to the mixer are via DB-25 connections, wired in the Tascam
wiring standard.
DB-25 Connector # 1
This connector has inputs One thru Eight, in order.
DB-25 Connector #2
This connector has inputs Nine thru Sixteen, in order
DB-25 Connector #3
This connector has inputs Seventeen thru Twenty, in order in positions 1 thru 4
and in position 7 and 8 are Tape Returns Left and Right.
DB-25 Connector #4
This connector has Patch Sends for input channels 1-4 wired in positions 1 thru 4
and Patch Sends for the Stereo Mix Left and Right in positions 5 and 6.
DB-25 Connector #5
This connector has Patch Returns for input channels 1-4 wired in positions 1 thru
4 and Patch Returns for the Stereo Mix Left and Right in positions 5 and 6.