Great River Electronics MIXMASTER 20 User Manual
Page 5

transformer coupled on both the input and outputs. The maximum signal level at
the output is +29dBu. The input impedance of the fader amplifier is about 50K
ohms, enough to not load any professional equipment used in the patch loop.
The send for the stereo patch loop is the output of the main mixing amplifier. This
is also fully transformer coupled, and also has a maximum output level of +29dBu.
The Talkback level knob controls the amount of talkback signal in the cue output.
This will normally be adjusted to about 12 or 1 oclock.
The middle right section of the panel, underneath the stereo meters is the
summing inputs control function area. This is where channels 5-20 are assigned to
the mix, levels and pans set, cleared, and soloed.
To Assign a channel to the mix:
Press CHAN, turn the SELECT knob until the blinking green LED is at the
channel you wish to use, then press the SELECT knob, this will change the LED
from blinking to solid green. You can continue to select more channels, or you can
assign level or pan values. To set level, press LEVEL and turn the SELECT knob to
bring the gain of the channel(s) up to the desired point. The blue LEDs will show
the level, although there are more settings than LED’s. Once the level is set, push
and hold the SELECT knob and press the SAVE button. Once a setting for a channel
has been saved the LED will turn solid red, unless it is reselected for another
setting operation.