Great Planes U-Can-Do 3D EP ARF - GPMA1275 User Manual
Page 4
• When you see the term
test fit in the instructions, it means
that you should first position the part on the assembly
without using any glue, then slightly modify or
custom fit
the part as necessary for the best fit.
• Whenever the term
glue is written you should rely upon
your experience to decide what type of glue to use. When
a specific type of adhesive works best for that step, the
instructions will make a recommendation. We recommend
using low-temperature hot melt glue for construction, but
some silicone adhesives (Shoe Goo, Goop, etc.) also work
well. When using hot-melt glue, it is possible to
disassemble parts after construction. Simply heat your
glue gun, and run the tip along the glue joint without
squeezing new glue into the joint. The glue will soften and
you can pull the apart the joint.
Do not use standard CA
glue on this model as it will dissolve the structure.
• Photos and sketches are placed before the step they
refer to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps
to get another view of the same parts.
Replacement parts for the Great Planes U-CAN-DO 3D EP ARF are available using the order numbers in the Replacement
Parts List that follows. The fastest, most economical service can be provided by your hobby dealer or mail-order company.
To locate a hobby dealer, visit the Great Planes web site at Choose “Where to Buy” at the bottom
of the menu on the left side of the page. Follow the instructions provided on the page to locate a U.S., Canadian or
International dealer. If a hobby shop is not available, replacement parts may also be ordered from Tower Hobbies at, or by calling toll free (800) 637-6050.
Parts may also be ordered directly from Hobby Services by calling (217) 398-0007, or via facsimile at (217) 398-7721, but
full retail prices and shipping and handling charges will apply. Illinois and Nevada residents will also be charged sales tax.
If ordering via fax, include a Visa
or MasterCard
number and expiration date for payment.
Mail parts orders and payments by personal check to:
Hobby Services
3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1
Champaign IL 61822
Be certain to specify the order number exactly as listed in the Replacement Parts List. Payment by credit card or personal
check only; no C.O.D. If additional assistance is required for any reason contact Product Support by e-mail at
[email protected], or by telephone at (217) 398-8970.
Replacement Parts List
Order Number
How to Purchase
Missing pieces ................................................Contact Product Support
Instruction manual...........................................Contact Product Support
Full-size plans .................................................Not available
Kit parts listed below.......................................Hobby Supplier
GPMG0215 .............Gear Drive
GPMG0860 .............Replacement Shaft with Spur Gear
GPMG0239 .............Pinion Gear
GPMG0311 .............Replacement Motor
GPMA2786 .............11x4.7 Propeller
GPMQ4620 .............Prop Saver
GPMA2785 .............Hardware Bag
GPMA2787 .............Decal Set
GPMG0216 .............Motor/Gear Drive Assembly
GPMA2788 .............Cowl
GPMA2789 .............Wing
GPMA2790 .............Fuselage
GPMA2791 .............Tail Set