Main menu – Great Planes Triton Charger - GPMM3150 User Manual

Page 7

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The MAIN MENU is where selecting the battery type, charge currents and

voltages, discharge currents and voltages, and cycling parameters are found.
Adjusting and starting any such function is also performed in this menu. The battery
memory storage locations are also in the MAIN MENU where setup parameters for 10
batteries can be stored for easy re-call and charger setup.


The SETUP MENU is where many different features that support the charge,

discharge, and cycle functions can be found and adjusted. Safety features, time
delays, cycle counts, peak detection sensitivity, etc. are some of the adjustable
parameters found in this menu.


The DATA VIEW MENU is where results of charge and discharge functions are

displayed, as well as input, output, peak, and average voltages. This is also where
Triton contains and displays data stored in the 10 cycle memories.

Note: If an LCD screen which is NOT described in this manual or shown in the
included programming flowcharts becomes accessed accidentally, do NOT attempt to
adjust any values whatsoever. Simply remove and then re-connect power on Triton’s
input. If the same problem repeats itself, or if values in any such unlisted screens are
adjusted by accident, call Hobby Services for further instructions at (217) 398-0007
before proceeding.

This menu is divided horizontally into five sections. All functions for NiCd batteries
are located in the left-most vertical column, followed by functions for NiMH, Pb, and
Li-Ion/Li-Po batteries, with the battery memory screens in the right-hand column.


BATTERY TYPE: The first and most important step is to select the proper

battery chemistry. Triton will then automatically adjust all other MAIN and SETUP
MENU screens according to which battery type has been selected. When power is
applied, Triton will default to the “NiCd charge” screen (top-left of flowchart). Press
the BATT TYPE button to scroll horizontally across the MAIN MENU to select the
proper battery type; “NiMH charge,” “Pb charge,” “Li-Ion charge,”(which should be
used for Li-Po batteries also), “Battery Memory,” or back to “NiCd charge.”
IMPORTANT: Different parameters exist for each battery type, so it is important
to select the proper battery type.


NiCd AND NiMH FUNCTIONS: When either the “NiCd charge” or “NiMH charge”

screen is shown, rotate the dial to scroll vertically through the “discharge,” “charge-
to-discharge” cycle, “discharge-to-charge” cycle, and back to peak “charge” functions.


Pb AND Li-Ion/Li-Po FUNCTIONS: When the “Pb charge” or “Li-Ion charge”

screen is shown, rotate the dial to scroll vertically through the full “charge” and
“discharge” functions. Cycling functions are not available for Pb or Li-Ion/Li-Po