Great Planes Tiger Moth 60 ARF - GPMA1330 User Manual
Page 18
10. Install the elevator servo using the same method as with
rudder servo above. Since the Tiger Moth uses two pushrods to
control the elevators, we will begin by attaching one pushrod
from one elevator (just as we did in step nine for the rudder) and
then we will join the second pushrod with the first. Center the
elevators and the elevator servo and mark the first pushrod
where it crosses the servo arm with a felt tip pen. Enlarge the
servo horn hole with a 5/64" [2mm] drill bit.
11. Slide two of the 5/32" [4mm] wheel collars onto the
pushrod wire. Make a 90-degree bend in the pushrod on your
mark and cut the pushrod off ½" [13mm] beyond the bend. Insert
the wire through the enlarged hole in the servo arm. Secure the
wire in place with a nylon FasLink pushrod keeper.
12. While keeping both elevators centered, connect the
two elevator pushrods to each other with two 5/32" [4mm]
wheel collars as shown in the photo. Use Thread lock
(GPMR6165) on the screws to prevent loosening.
13. Install the throttle servo between the rudder and
elevator servos by marking its location and drill 1/16"
[1.5mm] pilot holes through each mark. Then harden those
areas with thin CA. Mount the servo with the screws
provided with your radio system.
14. You may find it easier to install your receiver, battery
pack and switch harness before installing the throttle linkage.
15. Installation of the receiver can be done using a Great
Planes Receiver Guard (GPMM1010) or wrap the battery
pack and receiver in at least 1/4" of R/C foam rubber
(HCAQ1000) and mount them on balsa rails which can then
be glued into the fuselage. On our model with an OS FS-91
II Surpass w/Pump (OSMG0890), the battery was mounted
under the fuel tank as far forward as possible and the
receiver as shown in the photo to minimize the amount of
weight required to balance the model at the correct C.G.
16. Mount the receiver on/off switch in the forward
cockpit. A Great Planes Switch & Charge Jack Mounting
Set (GPMM1000), not included, was used on this model. A
Du-Bro Remote Safety Igniter (DUBP1200) was also used
on the model and is shown in the photo. You may want to
paint the cockpit interiors prior to installing these items.
17. Extend the receiver antenna and guide it out of the
fuselage and connect it to the tail wheel gear. Be certain
there is a strain relief on the antenna to keep stress off the
solder joint inside the receiver. On our model we drilled a
3/32" [2.4mm] hole through the bottom of the fuselage aft of
the bottom wing and routed the antenna through the hole.
The antenna was connected to a hook made from a cut-off
servo arm connected to a rubber band placed around the
tail wheel gear.