Great Planes SU-31 Sukhoi EP 3D ARF - GPMA1547 User Manual

Page 9

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1. Trim the covering from the horizontal stabilizer slot in

the fuselage.



Test fit the elevator joiner wire into the elevator halves.

Lay the elevators on a flat surface to confirm that they both
lay flat. If not, “tweak”, or bend, the elevator joiner wire slightly
until they do. Do not attempt to bend the joiner wire while it is
installed in the elevators. Do not glue the joiner wire in place
at this time.


3. Insert the elevator joiner wire into the aft end of the

stab slot. Test fit the horizontal stab into the slot in front of
the joiner wire. The joiner wire must be able to swivel freely
inside the slot. If it cannot, remove the horizontal stab and
carefully enlarge the slot as necessary with a hobby knife.
Place a few drops of oil on the center portion of the elevator
joiner so that it does not get glued.


4. Position the horizontal stabilizer into the stab saddle,

centering it left and right and making it square to the wings.
Stand back several feet behind the model and view it from
the rear. Confirm that the stabilizer is parallel with the wing
panels. If not, use tape or a weight to straighten it.

Be sure

that the elevator joiner wire is in place before gluing
the stab!
Thin CA glue or epoxy can be used to glue the
stabilizer in place.


5. Before gluing the elevator halves, roughen the ends of

the elevator joiner wire with sandpaper and clean them off