Great Planes SU-31 Sukhoi EP 3D ARF - GPMA1547 User Manual

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INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 2

AMA .................................................................................. 2

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................................. 2

DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE ........................................ 3

Radio Equipment .......................................................... 3

Motor Recommendation ............................................... 3

Propeller ....................................................................... 3

Electronic Speed Control (ESC) ................................... 3

Battery Pack ................................................................. 3

Required Adhesive & Building Supplies ....................... 4

OPTIONAL SUPPLIES & TOOLS ..................................... 4

IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTES ...................................... 4

ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS .............................. 4

KIT INSPECTION .............................................................. 5

KIT CONTENTS ................................................................ 5

PREPARATIONS ............................................................... 6

ASSEMBLE THE WING PANELS ..................................... 6

INSTALL THE WING PANELS .......................................... 8

ASSEMBLE THE TAIL SECTION ..................................... 9


INSTALL THE LANDING GEAR ..................................... 12

MOUNT THE MOTOR, ESC & RECEIVER ..................... 13

INSTALL THE COWL, CANOPY & SPINNER ................ 16

Apply the Decals ........................................................ 17

GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY ................................. 18

Check the Control Directions ..................................... 18

Set the Control Throws ............................................... 18

Balance the Model (C.G.) ........................................... 19

Balance the Model Laterally ....................................... 19

PREFLIGHT .................................................................... 19

Identify Your Model ..................................................... 19

Charge the Batteries .................................................. 20

Balance Propellers ..................................................... 20

Range Check ............................................................. 20

MOTOR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................. 20

LITHIUM BATTERY HANDLING & USAGE ................... 20

AMA SAFETY CODE (excerpts) .................................... 21

CHECK LIST ................................................................... 21

FLYING ............................................................................ 22

Takeoff ........................................................................ 22

Flight .......................................................................... 22

Landing ...................................................................... 22

3D FLYING ...................................................................... 23


Congratulations on your purchase of the Great Planes Sukhoi
SU-31 EP ARF! Like the other models in the E-Performance
line, the Sukhoi SU-31 EP ARF will deliver the performance
that 3D pilots are looking for as well as being a great sport
plane for the casual flier. As a new feature, the Sukhoi SU-31
EP ARF is designed with removable wing panels around a
carbon wing tube for transporting convenience. However,
the compact wingspan of the Sukhoi will allow it to fit into
most vehicles in one piece.

For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to
the Sukhoi SU-31 EP ARF visit the Great Planes web site
at Open the “Airplanes” link, then

select the Sukhoi SU-31 EP ARF. If there is new technical
information or changes to this model a “tech notice” box will
appear in the upper left corner of the page.


If you are not already a member
of the AMA, please join! The
AMA is the governing body of
model aviation and membership
provides liability insurance
coverage, protects modelers’
rights and interests and is
required to fly at most R/C sites.
The AMA has two classes of membership available. Open
membership or their Park Pilot Program which this aircraft
qualifies for. The Park Pilot Program is for people flying
electric aircraft and gliders under two pounds and which
fly slower than 60mph. This will enable you to enjoy most
AMA benefits and organize clubs and flying sites in more
congested areas.

Academy of Model Aeronautics

5151 East Memorial Drive

Muncie, IN 47302-9252

Tele. (800) 435-9262

Fax (765) 741-0057

Or via the Internet at:

IMPORTANT!!! Two of the most important things you can do
to preserve the radio controlled aircraft hobby are to avoid
flying near full-scale aircraft and avoid flying near or over
groups of people.




1. Your Sukhoi SU-31 EP ARF should not be considered a toy,
but rather a sophisticated, working model that functions very
much like a full-size airplane. Because of its performance
capabilities, the Sukhoi SU-31 EP ARF, if not assembled and
operated correctly, could possibly cause injury to yourself or
spectators and damage to property.

2. You must assemble the model

according to the instructions.

Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in an
unsafe or unflyable model. In a few cases the instructions may
differ slightly from the photos. In those instances the written
instructions should be considered as correct.