Great Planes SlowPoke 15 Kit - GPMA0491 User Manual
Page 17

1. Cover the fuse side view with Great Planes Plan Protector.
2. Glue two die-cut 1/32" ply fuse doublers to the inside
of each die-cut 1/8" balsa fuse side as shown. Label them
“right side” and “left side” on the insides of the fuse sides. It
is important that you have the fuselage sides in a mirrored
position to ensure that you build a left and a right side.
HINT: To help you recognize left from right fuse sides, set
the sides upright and pretend you are in the cockpit.
3. Pin the right fuse side in place over the plan.
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4. From a 1/8" x 3/16" x 36" balsa stick, cut a 28-1/2"
long fuse main stringer. Glue it to the top of the right fuse
side with the 1/8" side against the building board.
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5. From a 3/16" x 3/16" x 30" balsa stick, fit and glue the
bottom aft fuse stringer and the aft fuse brace in place.
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6. Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa pushrod exit plate in place.
❏ ❏
7. From a 1/8" x 3/16" x 24" balsa stick, fit and glue the
four fuse braces in place.
8. Unpin the right fuse side from the plan and turn it over.
Cover the right fuse side with Plan Protector and pin the left
fuse side on top of the right fuse side. Note: The left side
is built the same as the right, except it is built over the right
fuse side, not the plan.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to build the left fuse side.
10. Glue the two die-cut 1/16" balsa fuse top halves
together, making the fuse top. Glue the two die-cut 1/16"
balsa fuse bottom halves together, making the fuse bottom.
11. Cover the fuse top view with Plan Protector.
Assemble the Fuse Formers & Sides