Great Planes Lancair ES EP ARF - GPMA1165 User Manual
Page 16

6. Drill the marks with a 5/64" [2 mm] drill bit. Thread a
2.6 x 8 mm [7/64" x 5/16"] self-tapping screw into each hole
and back it out. Add a few drops of thin CA to each hole and
allow it to harden. Hook the Z-bend of the remaining
pushrod wire into the wire bracket attached to the screw in
the wheel collar. Insert the pushrod through the steering
hole in the firewall and secure the nose gear assembly with
two 2.6 x 8 mm [7/64" x 5/16"] screws.
7. Confirm that the nose gear turns smoothly within the
wire brackets. Make any adjustments to the slots in the
firewall or the position of the wheel collar on the gear wire
until it does.
1. Using the hardware provided with the servos, install
the rudder and elevator servos into the precut openings.
Apply a couple drops of thin CA glue to each mounting hole
before installing the servos. The outline for a third servo bay
is provided but not used on this model.
2. Trim two arms from one servo horn and three from the
other as shown. Drill the outer holes in the horns with a 5/64"
[2 mm] drill bit.
3. Install three screw-lock pushrod connectors into the
outer holes of the servo horns. Loosely thread a 4-40 x 1/4"
[6 mm] socket head cap screw into each connector.
4. Slide the nose gear pushrod, elevator pushrod, and rudder
pushrod through the screw-lock pushrod connectors. Install the
servo horns onto the rudder and elevator servos as shown.
Secure the horns with the servo horn screws. Center the
elevator, rudder, and nose gear and tighten the 4-40 x 1/4"
[6 mm] socket head cap screws in the connectors.
5. Cut the included hook and loop material into two
equal lengths. Make battery straps by overlapping the ends
of the pieces by 1" [25 mm].
6. Insert the battery pack in the forward position on the
radio tray. Use the battery straps to secure the battery pack
to the tray by looping straps underneath the tray and
pressing the ends together as shown. Glue the straps to the
underside of the tray with CA glue.
Install the Radio System & Battery