Great Planes Lancair ES EP ARF - GPMA1165 User Manual
Page 11

denatured alcohol. Mix up a small batch of 30-minute epoxy and
glue the stabilizer into position using the lines you drew in step
7. Wipe away any excess epoxy with denatured alcohol. Clamp
the stab in place and allow the epoxy to cure undisturbed.
1. Locate the two 1/4" x 1/4" x 12" [6 x 6 x 305 mm] balsa
sticks. Make a mark 1" [25 mm] from each end on the center
of both sticks. Drill a 1/16" [1.6 mm] hole at all four marks.
Use a hobby knife to carve a “V”-shaped channel 1/16" [1.6 mm]
deep from the holes to the ends of the sticks. Put a drop of
thin CA glue into each hole and three drops into each
“V” channel.
2. Cut the 8-7/8" [225 mm] elevator and rudder
pushrods into the lengths shown in the picture above. Make
a 1/4" [6 mm] long 90° bend at each end of the cuts. One
8-7/8" [225 mm] pushrod wire will remain uncut for the
steerable nose gear.
3. Fit the ends of the pushrod wires that you bent into the
holes in the balsa sticks, allowing the wire to rest in the “V”
channel as shown.
4. Slide a 1" [25 mm] piece of heat-shrink tubing onto
each end of the balsa sticks, overlapping the portion of the
pushrod wires resting in the “V” channel. Use a heat gun to
shrink the tubing tight over the sticks. These completed
assemblies will now be referred to as the elevator and
rudder pushrods throughout the rest of the manual.
1. Insert a pushrod into the fuselage through the canopy
opening with the Z-bend exiting the slot at the back of the
fuselage below the elevator.
2. Pull out the control horn from the elevator. Connect the
Z-bend in the pushrod to the third hole in the control horn.
Apply a bit of medium CA glue to the base of the control horn
tab and reinsert it into the elevator. Replace the control horn
backplate and add a drop or two of CA to secure it in place.
Finish the Tail Section
Build the Pushrods