Great Planes L-39 EP Ducted Fan ARF - GPMA1869 User Manual
Page 9
13. The vertical fi n and horizontal stabilizer are keyed
to fi t together and therefore must be glued in place at the
same time. Coat with epoxy the key on the bottom of the fi n,
the slot in the horizontal stabilizer, and the stab saddle on
the fuselage. Do not put epoxy on the foam piece glued to
the front of the fi n that fi ts into the ducted fan access hatch.
Position the parts onto the fuselage, making sure that the
vertical fi n is being glued square to the horizontal stabilizer.
The parts can be taped in place while the epoxy cures.
14. Glue the elevator servo into the elevator servo bay inside
the radio compartment with the splines facing forward. There
is a slot at the bottom of the servo bay for the servo lead.
15. Cut three arms from a four-armed servo arm. Enlarge
the outer hole of the servo arm with a 1/16" [1.6mm] drill
bit. Attach the screw-lock connector to the outer hole of the
servo arm and secure it with the plastic retainer.
16. Make a small, upward bend in the elevator pushrod
as shown. Fit the pushrod through the screw-lock connector
and attach the servo arm to the servo using the servo arm
screw. Insert the 90° bend (at the aft end) into the outer hole
of the elevator control horn. Secure it using the 90° pushrod
connector. Use your radio system to center the elevator servo.
Position the elevators in the neutral position and tighten the
screw-lock connector against the pushrod.
17. Connect your ESC to the motor lead extensions and
connect the servos and ESC to the receiver. This is a good
time to confi rm the correct rotation of your ducted fan unit. If the
unit rotates the wrong direction when powered up, disconnect
two of the three motor leads and swap their positions.