Check list, Flying, Takeoff – Great Planes L-39 EP Ducted Fan ARF - GPMA1869 User Manual

Page 13

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3) At all fl ying sites a straight or curved line(s) must be

established in front of which all fl ying takes place with the
other side for spectators. Only personnel involved with
fl ying the aircraft are allowed at or in the front of the fl ight
line. Intentional fl ying behind the fl ight line is prohibited.

4) I will operate my model using only radio control frequencies

currently allowed by the Federal Communications Commission.

5) I will not knowingly operate my model within three miles

of any pre-existing fl ying site except in accordance with
the frequency sharing agreement listed
[in the complete
AMA Safety Code].

9) Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch

a powered model in fl ight; nor should any part of the
model other than the landing gear, intentionally touch
the ground, except while landing


During the last few moments of preparation your mind may
be elsewhere anticipating the excitement of the fi rst fl ight.
Because of this, you may be more likely to overlook certain
checks and procedures that should be performed before
the model is fl own. To help avoid this, a check list is provided
to make sure these important areas are not overlooked.
Many are covered in the instruction manual, so where
appropriate, refer to the manual for complete instructions.
Be sure to check the items off as they are completed.

1. Check the C.G. according to the measurements provided

in the manual.

2. Be certain the battery and receiver are securely mounted

in the fuse.

3. Confi rm that all controls operate in the correct direction

and the throws are set up according to the manual.

4. Check the operation of the ducted fan unit prior to

each fl ight.

5. Make sure that all servo arms are secured to the servos

wtih the screws included with your radio.

6. Place your name, address, AMA number and telephone

number on or inside your model.

7. If you wish to photograph your model, do so before your

fi rst fl ight.

8. Range check your radio when you get to the fl ying fi eld.


IMPORTANT: If you are an inexperienced modeler we strongly
urge you to seek the assistance of a competent, experienced
R/C pilot to check your model for airworthiness AND to teach
you how to fl y. No matter how stable or “forgiving” the L-39 is,
attempting to learn to fl y on your own is dangerous and may
result in destruction of your model or even injury to yourself
and others. Therefore, fi nd an instructor and fl y only under
his or her guidance and supervision until you have acquired
the skills necessary for safe and fully controlled operation of
your model.


Less-experienced fl yers should fl y the L-39 only in calm
(less than fi ve miles per hour) conditions. Frequently, winds
are calm in the early morning and early evening. Often these
are the most enjoyable times to fl y anyway!

Until you have the L-39 properly trimmed for level fl ight, we
recommend having an assistant hand-launch the model
instead of launching it yourself.

Turn on the transmitter and plug the battery into the speed
control. Turn on the receiver by following the instructions
that came with your speed control. Secure the canopy hatch
in place.

IMPORTANT: Confi rm that the transmitter operates the
controls properly by moving the sticks and watching the
surfaces respond.

When ready to launch, the assistant should hold the L-39
behind the canopy hatch, with the model in front of him and
pointed into the wind. With the pilot (that would be you!)
standing behind the plane, fully advance the throttle to start
the motor. When the motor is at full power, the hand launcher
should fi rmly give the model an underhand toss into the air
with a slightly nose-up attitude. Be certain the model is being
launched into the wind and be immediately ready to make
corrections to keep the airplane fl ying straight, level and into
the wind.

When the model has gained adequate fl ying speed under
its own power, gently pull the elevator stick back until the
airplane starts a gradual climb. Many beginners tend to pull
too hard causing the model to stall, so be gentle on the
elevator and don’t panic. If you do pull too hard and you
notice the model losing speed, release the elevator stick and
allow the model to regain airspeed.

Continue a gradual climb and establish a gentle turn (away
from yourself and others) until the airplane reaches an
altitude of 20 to 30 meters [75 to 100 feet].