Flying, Landing flying takeoff – Great Planes Extra 300S 40 ARF MonoKote - GPMA1240 User Manual

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that explodes, burns, or propels a projectile of any kind).


I will have completed a successful radio equipment

ground check before the first flight of a new or recently
repaired model.


I will not fly my model aircraft in the presence of

spectators until I become a qualified flier, unless assisted
by an experienced helper.


I will perform my initial turn after takeoff away from the

pit or spectator areas, and I will not thereafter fly over pit or
spectator areas, unless beyond my control.


I will operate my model using only radio control

frequencies currently allowed by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC).

The Great Planes Extra 300 ARF is a great flying semi-
scale sport model that is smooth and predictable, yet is
highly aerobatic. Compared to other sport planes its flight
characteristics are docile and forgiving. The Extra does not,
however, possess the self-recovery characteristics of a
primary R/C trainer; therefore, you must either have
mastered the basics of R/C flying or obtained the
assistance of a competent R/C pilot to assist you with the
first flights of your Extra 300 ARF.

If you have dual rates on your transmitter takeoff on “high”
rates–especially if you are taking off in a crosswind. Gain
as much speed as your runway and flying site will permit
before you lift off. This will give you a safety margin in case
the engine quits. When you initially advance the throttle and
the tail begins to rise, the Extra will begin to turn to the left
(due to the torque of the engine–a characteristic of all tail

draggers). Be prepared for this by applying sufficient right
rudder to keep the Extra running straight down the middle
of the runway. The left turning tendency will decrease as
the plane picks up speed. Be sure to allow the tail to rise off
the ground before lifting the model into the air. Depending
on the surface you are taking off from, you will need to
apply little or no up elevator until flying speed is reached.
Don’t hold the tail on the ground with too much up elevator,
as the Extra will become airborne prematurely and may
stall. When the plane has gained enough flying speed to
safely lift off, gradually and smoothly apply up elevator and
allow the model to climb at a shallow angle. Do not yank
the model off the ground into a steep climb.

We recommend that you take it easy with your Extra 300
ARF for the first several flights, gradually “getting
acquainted” with this great sport model as your engine gets
fully broken-in. If you feel as though you have your hands
full keep this one thing in mind: pull back on the throttle
to slow the model down.
This will make everything
happen a little slower allowing yourself time to think and
react. Add and practice one maneuver at a time, learning
how the Extra behaves in each. For smooth flying and
normal maneuvers, use the low rate settings. High rate
elevator may be required for crisp snap rolls and spins. For
good knife-edge performance airspeed is the key.

Before it’s time to land, climb your Extra to a safe altitude
and cut the throttle to an idle. Observe how your Extra
handles at slow speeds so you will know what to expect
when its time to bring ’er in.

When it’s time to land, fly a normal landing pattern and
approach. Keep a few clicks of power on until you are over
the runway threshold. For your first few landings, plan to
land slightly faster than stall speed and on the main wheels,
as this is the easiest way to land your Extra. Later, with a
little practice you will find you can make slow 3-point

Have a ball! But always remember to think about your
next move and plan each maneuver before you do it.
Impulsively “jamming the sticks” without any thought
rather than lack of flying skill is what gets most fliers
in trouble.




while flying, you notice any unusual sounds, such as a
low-pitched “buzz”, this may indicate control surface
“flutter.” Because flutter can quickly destroy components
of your airplane, any time you detect flutter you must
immediately cut the throttle and land the airplane! Check
all servo grommets for deterioration (this may indicate
which surface fluttered), and make sure all pushrod
linkages are slop-free. If it fluttered once, it will probably
flutter again under similar circumstances unless you can
eliminate the slop or flexing in the linkages. Here are
some things which can result in flutter: Excessive hinge
gap; Not mounting control horns solidly; Sloppy fit of
clevis pin in horn; Sloppy fit of Z-bend in servo arm;
Excessive “play” or “backlash” in servo gears; and
Insecure servo mounting.