Other items available from great planes flying – Great Planes Big Stik 60 ARF MonoKote - GPMA1226 User Manual
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The Big Stik is a great flying sport plane that flies smoothly
and predictably, yet is highly maneuverable. It does not,
however, have the self recovery characteristics of a primary
trainer; therefore, you must have mastered the basics of
R/C flying before attempting to fly this plane or be sure to
get the assistance of an experienced modeler to help you
through the first few flights.
We recommend you take it easy for your first few flights to
get familiar with the aircraft. Add and practice one maneuver
at a time and learn how the plane does each maneuver. We
especially like the way the Big Stik flies inverted, with very
little down elevator required.
When it's time to land, cut the throttle and bleed off some
speed by raising the nose. After slowing down, lower the
nose and assume a normal glide angle, flaring to
touchdown. Have a ball, but always stay in control and fly in
a safe manner.
SpaceWalker ARF GPMA1300
Based on Jesse Anglin’s ’86 tribute to ’30s homebuilts, the
SpaceWalker takes only a few hours to assemble. It has a
strong, wood frame; welded, steel landing gear; side plates;
ABS wheel pants; windshield; and a cowl color-matched to
the MonoKote covering. Smooth in flight, it blends the
muscle of dual aileron servos with the aerobatic potential of
a symmetrical airfoil. Note: Pilot figure not included.
Piper J-3 Cub ARF GPMA1310
This sport-scale model is all-wood, impressively detailed,
and flight-ready in as little as 15-20 hours! Surrounding the
CAD-engineered framework is real woven Coverite
fabric. With its dual aileron servos the Cub
maneuvers well. It also lands gently and includes a
prepainted fiberglass cowl, replica cylinder heads,
adjustable engine mount and Great Planes-brand hardware.
Note: Pilot figure not included.
AT-6 Texan ARF GPMA1245
Enjoy smooth flight and easy aerobatics with this kit-quality
ARF. Precision-molded, painted parts include a glass-
reinforced cowl. Plus, the AT-6 offers the strength of
wood...the dependability of Great Planes hardware...and the
fine finish of Top Flite MonoKote film. Fixed landing gear is
supplied, though wheel wells and mounting rails are built-in
for retracts. Note: Pilot figure not included.
Giles G-202 GPMA1315
Designed to convince “kitters” that ARFs can be
outstanding! Parts interlock for strength, and are all-wood
except for fiberglass parts factory-painted to match the
preapplied MonoKote covering. Competition mounted
servos (2 each for ailerons and elevators, 1 for the rudder)
plus double-beveled rudder and elevator control surfaces
open the way for wild, 3D stunts. Note: Pilot figure not