Apply the decals – Great Planes Matt Chapman Eagle 580 46/EP ARF - GPMA1281 User Manual
Page 22

5. If you haven’t done so already, attach the muffl er to the
engine and connect the vent line from the fuel tank to the
muffl er. Trim it to length if needed.
6. Install your propeller using the prop washer and nut
that came with the motor. Enlarge the propeller slots in the
spinner cone as necessary to fi t over the propeller blades.
When satisfi ed, install the spinner cone onto the backplate
using the provided screws.
7. To install the wing panels, insert the carbon fi ber wing
joiner into the tube in the fuselage. Slide the wing panels onto
the tube, feed the aileron servo leads through the openings
in the fuselage side, and align the anti-rotation pins with their
mating holes. Bolt the wings in place using the 1/4"-20 nylon
wing bolts. Connect the aileron servo leads to the receiver.
8. Install the canopy hatch by fi tting the canopy pins into their
mating holes in the fi rewall, pushing the back of the hatch down
against the fuselage, then sliding the hatch back to engage the
magnets. You have now completed the assembly!
Apply the Decals
1. Use scissors or a sharp hobby knife to cut the decals from
the sheet.
2. Be certain the model is clean and free from oily fi ngerprints
and dust. Prepare a dishpan or small bucket with a mixture
of liquid dish soap and warm water–about one teaspoon of
soap per gallon of water. Submerse the decal in the soap and
water and peel off the paper backing. Note: Even though the
decals have a “sticky-back” and are not the water transfer
type, submersing them in soap and water allows accurate
positioning and reduces air bubbles underneath.
3. Position decal on the model where desired. Use the pictures
on the box and manual cover for reference. Holding the decal
down, use a paper towel to wipe most of the water away.
4. Use a piece of soft balsa or something similar to squeegee
remaining water from under the decal. Apply the rest of the
decals the same way.