Balance the model (c.g.) – Great Planes Extra 330SC EP ARF - GPMA1129 User Manual
Page 13

4. Connect the servos to the receiver so that the wires do
not interfere with any of the pushrods. Note that a hole has
been provided to route the rudder and aileron servo wires to
the bottom right side of the fuselage.
5. Insert the landing gear through the landing gear support
and into the horizontal fuselage. Be careful not to push the
landing gear all the way through the horizontal fuselage. The
end should be fl ush with the top of the horizontal fuselage. If it
is diffi cult to insert both landing gear legs through the landing
gear support, use a hobby knife to enlarge the hole slightly.
Rotate the wheels so that they are parallel to each other.
Apply glue to the joint between the landing gear support and
the landing gear legs and the horizontal fuselage and the
landing gear legs.
6. Position the receiver on the side of the fuselage, under
the wing as far forward as possible. Make sure that the servo
wires do not interfere with the pushrods. Apply a piece of
hook material on the side of the fuselage, at the receiver
location. Attach the receiver to the fuselage. To prevent the
wires from interfering with the pushrods, use a small piece of
tape to attach them to the fuselage.
7. Install the propeller on the motor following the motor
instructions. Hint: The rubber o-ring can be diffi cult to stretch
over the screw, then the propeller and over the other screw.
A small jewelers phillips head screwdriver can be used to pry
the rubber o-ring over the screws and propeller. Be careful
not to allow the screwdriver to slip and damage the windings
inside the motor.
Balance the Model (C.G.)
More than any other factor, the C.G. (center of gravity/
balance point) can have the greatest effect on how a
model fl ies and could determine whether or not your fi rst
fl ight will be successful. If you value your model and wish
to enjoy it for many fl ights, DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS
IMPORTANT PROCEDURE. A model that is not properly
balanced may be unstable and possibly unfl yable.
Because the Extra 330SC is an indoor lightweight plane,
adding weight to balance the plane is not an option. At this
stage the model should be in ready-to-fl y condition with all of
the components in place except the motor battery. The motor
battery will be moved forward and aft to balance the plane.
1. Use a fi ne-point felt tip pen to mark lines on the bottom
of the wing, 5/8" [16mm] aft from the carbon strip in the wing,