Install the wings, Apply the decals – Great Planes Escapade MX GP/EP ARF - GPMA1202 User Manual

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Install the Wings

1. Insert the wing joiner into one of the wing panels. Insert

the aileron servo extension connector into the dual servo

2. Slide the wing joiner with wing into the fuselage. Thread

the aileron servo dual servo extension through the opening
in the side of the fuselage. Repeat for the other wing panel.

3. Using the included black fi nger bolts, secure both wings

to the fuselage.

4. Insert the other aileron servo extension into the dual

servo extension. Use heat shrink tubing to secure the servo
connections to the dual servo extension.

Apply the Decals

1. Be certain the model is clean and free from oily fi ngerprints

and dust. Prepare a dishpan or small bucket with a mixture
of liquid dish soap and warm water—about one teaspoon of
soap per gallon of water. Submerse the decal in the soap and
water and peel off the paper backing. Note: Even though the
decals have a “sticky-back” and are not the water transfer type,
submersing them in soap & water allows accurate positioning
and reduces air bubbles underneath.

2. Position decal on the model where desired. Holding the

decal down, use a paper towel to wipe most of the water away.

3. Use a piece of soft balsa or something similar to squeegee

remaining water from under the decal. Apply the rest of the
decals the same way.


Install & Connect the Motor Battery

Before you can power the radio system and set up the controls,
the motor batteries will need to be charged.

IMPORTANT: If using multiple battery packs that are connected

with an adapter, never charge the batteries together through
the adapter. Always charge each battery pack separately.
Charge the batteries, then read the following precautions on
how to connect multiple packs for fl ying the model:

Battery Precautions

There are two ways to connect multiple battery packs: In

Series and in Parallel.

1. Connecting batteries in “Series” means to connect the +’s

to the –’s and the –’s to the +’s. This combines the battery’s

Voltages, but the capacity remains the same.