Great Planes Cherokee GP/EP ARF - GPMA1033 User Manual
Page 21

4. Install a strain relief onto the receiver antenna to protect
the solder joint that secures it inside the receiver. A strain
relief can be made by cutting off the end of an unused servo
arm and stitching the antenna through two holes in the arm
as shown. Route the antenna through the antenna tube and
out the aft end of the fuselage.
Install the Cowl, Spinner & Propeller
1. Before fi tting the cowl, make any cutouts necessary
for your power system. If you are installing a glow engine, a
cutout must be made for the engine head, exhaust outlets,
and needle valve access. Templates should be made and
taped to the fuselage to accurately create the necessary
cutouts in the cowl. A rotary tool such as a Dremel works
very well for cutting holes in fi berglass.
2. Apply some strips of masking tape onto both sides of
the fuselage just behind the fi rewall. Mark onto the tape the
location of the center of the cowl mounting blocks.
3. Fit the cowl to the fuselage and align it with the colors
on the fuselage. When satisfi ed with the fi t, tape the cowl into
position. Measure 3/8" [9.5mm] forward from the aft end of
the cowl at each mark you made on the masking tape. Mark
the cowl for each of the four cowl mounting screws.
4. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes at the marks you made on the
cowl through the cowl mounting blocks. Remove the cowl
and thread a #2 x 1/2" [13mm] self-tapping screw into each
hole in the cowl mounting blocks and back it out. Apply a
couple drops of thin CA to each hole in the blocks. Enlarge
the four holes in the cowl with a 3/32" [2.4mm] bit. Install
the cowl onto the fuselage using four #2 x 1/2" [13mm] self-
tapping screws and four #2 fl at washers.
5. If necessary, ream or drill the spinner backplate to fi t the
crankshaft of your engine (or brushless motor prop adapter).
Install the backplate onto the crankshaft followed by the
propeller. Install the prop washer and prop nut. Depending
on the size propeller you are using, you may need to enlarge
the propeller blade cutouts in the spinner cone. When a good
fi t is achieved, use the screws included with the spinner to
install the spinner cone onto the backplate.