Great Planes Cherokee GP/EP ARF - GPMA1033 User Manual

Page 20

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10. With the nose gear in place, the muffl er can now be

installed onto the engine (if applicable). Either the stock
muffl er can be used or a Pitts style muffl er. If using the stock
muffl er included with the engine, a muffl er extension will be
required. If installing the O.S. Max #873 muffl er extension
(OSMG2578), the bottom right corner of the fuselage will
need to be carved away in order to accommodate the
muffl er body. The fi rewall has dashed markings in this area
indicating the location of the pre-installed balsa block behind
the fi rewall. A piece of white MonoKote is included with the
Cherokee .40 ARF for covering up the area that was carved
away. No modifi cation needs to be done to the fuselage when
using a Pitts style muffl er. However, we did cut the exhaust
outlets slightly shorter for this installation.

11. If you haven’t done so already, cut the fuel line and

vent line (to muffl er) to the correct length and connect them
to the engine. The fi ll line should be left uncut and it can hang
free from the bottom of the plane. A fuel line plug is provided
for the fi ll line.


Install the Receiver

1. Make straps from the included hook and loop material

to fi t your receiver and receiver pack. Cut pieces of foam
rubber (not included) to fi t your receiver and receiver pack
and strap them to the radio tray as shown.

2. Connect the servos to the receiver, being sure that the

leads will not interfere with the tail pushrods. Depending on
the ESC being used (if applicable), you may need a servo
extension to reach the receiver. If you plan to connect the
fl ap and aileron servos to the receiver using Y-harnesses,
connect the harnesses to the receiver at this time.

3. Install your receiver switch and charge jack onto the sides

of the fuselage. Confi rm that the location of your switch and
charge jack will not interfere with the wing bolts when installed.