Great Planes Big Stik 60 ARF MonoKote - GPMA1221 User Manual
Page 14
3. Use the following sequence for mounting the servos
into the servo tray:
A. Install rubber grommets and brass eyelets in
the servos.
B. Test fit the servos in the tray.
C. Mark servo hole locations on the tray, then drill
1/16" [1.5mm] pilot holes through each mark. Harden
the holes with a drop of thin CA through each hole.
D. Referencing the photo above for orientation,
mount the servos with the screws provided with your
radio system.
4. Following the manufacturer's recommendations, hook
up the three servos, the receiver, switch and battery as
shown in the photograph. Wrap the receiver and battery in
1/4" foam, then hold them in place by gluing small balsa
sticks (not included) above them. We added a Great Planes
Switch Mount and Charge Jack (GPMM1000, not included)
for convenience and ease of use at the field, installed on the
left side of the fuselage, away from the exhaust.
5. Turn on your transmitter and receiver and position the
aileron, rudder, elevator and throttle trims and throttle stick
on your transmitter to the center. (This is called “centering”
the servos and will allow you to place the servo horns on the
servos in a neutral position.) Note: The servo arms have
been painted to make them show up better in the photos.
Prepare the servo arms as shown in the photo. You will need
to cut excess arms off the servo horns supplied with your
radio system. This is perfectly normal, as the multi-arm
servo horns are provided for just such purposes. Note that
the rudder servo uses a 2-armed horn.
6. Connect the brass screw lock pushrod connectors with
the nylon retainers to the throttle and nose-gear arm of the
servo horns as shown. Note: The size and shape of servo
horns varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The
sketches and photos show a typical radio installation with
standard horns. All standard servos should fit the Big Stik
with only minor modifications.
7. Mark the elevator pushrod where it crosses the servo
arm. Enlarge the servo horn holes with a 5/64" [2mm] drill bit.
2-56 (.074") Pushrod Wire
Servo Horn