Builder’s tip – Great Planes Avistar Elite .46 ARF - GPMA1005 User Manual

Page 8

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dried, install the servos into the openings using the screws
supplied with the servos.

7. Thread a nylon clevis onto two 6-1/4" [159mm] pushrods

20 complete turns.

Builder’s Tip

Installation of the clevises will be much easier using a clevis
installation tool (GPMR8030 or GPMR8035). Nylon clevises
are used on many models so this inexpensive tool will be a
valuable investment for all your future building.

8. Center the positions of the ailerons by using small clamps

or tape to secure them inline with the fl aps. Slide a silicone
clevis retainer onto the base of each clevis. Attach the clevises
on the pushrods to the outer holes in the aileron control horns.

9. With the ailerons and servos still centered, make a mark

on the pushrods where they cross the second outer holes in
the aileron servo arms.

10. Bend each pushrod at a 90 degree angle at the marks

you made.

Pushrod Wire

Servo Arm

1/4" [6.4 mm]
