Propeller, Optional supplies and tools, Building stand – Great Planes Avistar Elite .46 ARF - GPMA1005 User Manual

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If using the recommended glow engine, we suggest installing a


5 sport prop. If using the recommended brushless motor,

a 12

6 E prop will provide good power and fl ight time. Part

numbers are provided.

Glow: APC 12

5 Sport Propeller (APCQ1205)

EP: APC 12

6 Thin Electric Propeller (APCQ4130)


Required Hardware & Accessories

This is the list of hardware and accessories required to fi nish the

Avistar Elite ARF. Order numbers are provided in parentheses.

❍ Hobbico Latex Foam Rubber 1/4" (HCAQ1000)

❍ Great Planes Pro

CA Glue Thin 1/2 oz (GPMR6001)

❍ Revell


#1 Light Duty Economy Knife w/Blade &

Safety Cap (RMXR6909)

❍ Great Planes Pro Threadlocker (GPMR6060)

❍ Drill bits: 1/16" [1.6mm], 5/64" [2mm]

❍ Felt-tip pen

❍ Pliers

❍ Wire cutter

❍ Wrench set

❍ 3/32" [2.4mm], 7/64" [2.8mm] allen wrench

❍ Small clamps or masking tape

❍ Household oil

Optional Supplies and Tools

Here is a list of optional supplies and tools that are useful for
assembling the Avistar Elite.

❍ CA applicator tips (HCAR3780)
❍ CA debonder (GPMR6039)
❍ Pro 6-minute epoxy (GPMR6045)
❍ Epoxy brushes (6, GPMR8060)
❍ Mixing sticks (50, GPMR8055)
❍ Mixing cups (GPMR8056)
❍ Curved-tip canopy scissors for trimming plastic parts


❍ Hobbico High Precision Diagonal Cutter 5"


❍ Pliers with wire cutter (HCAR0625)
❍ Robart Super Stand II (ROBP1402)
❍ 12"

18" [300

460mm] Builder’s Cutting Mat


❍ 18"

24" [460

610mm] Builder’s Cutting Mat


❍ 24"

36" [460

910mm] Builder’s Cutting Mat


❍ T.A. Emerald Performance Duster Compressed Air 10

oz (TAEC1060)

❍ Panel Line Pen (TOPQ2510)
❍ Servo horn drill (HCAR0698)
❍ Hobby Heat

micro torch (HCAR0755)

❍ AccuThrow

Defl ection Gauge (GPMR2405)

❍ CG Machine


❍ Great Planes Clevis Installation Tool (GPMR8030)
❍ Great Planes 4-In-1 Installation Tool (GPMR8035)
❍ Precision Magnetic Prop Balancer (TOPQ5700)
❍ Great Planes ElectriFly PowerMatch

Power Meter

Balancer (GPMM3220)

Building Stand

A building stand or cradle

comes in handy during
the build. We use the
Robart Super Stand II

(ROBP1402) for all our

projects in R&D, and it
can be seen in pictures
throughout this manual.


● There are three types of screws used in this kit:

Sheet Metal Screws are designated by a number and a
length. For example #6

3/4” [19mm].

This is a number six screw

that is 3/4” [19mm] long.

Machine Screws are designated by a number,
threads per inch, and a length. For example


3/4” [19mm].

This is a number four screw

that is 3/4” [19mm] long with

forty threads per inch.

Photos and sketches are placed before the step they refer

to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps to
get another view of the same parts.

● The Avistar Elite ARF is factory-covered with Top Flite




fi lm. Should repairs ever be required, MonoKote

can be patched with additional MonoKote purchased
separately. MonoKote is packaged in six-foot rolls, but
some hobby shops also sell it by the foot. If only a small
piece of MonoKote is needed for a minor patch, perhaps a
fellow modeler would give you some. MonoKote is applied
with a model airplane covering iron, but in an emergency a
regular iron could be used. A roll of MonoKote includes full
instructions for application. Following are the colors used
on this model and order numbers for six foot rolls.

Orange TOPQ0202

Royal Blue TOPQ0221

Missile Red TOPQ0201

Jet White TOPQ0204

● The stabilizer and wing incidences and engine thrust angles

have been factory-built into this model. However, some
technically-minded modelers may wish to check these
measurements anyway. To view this information visit the
web site at and click on “Technical Data.”