GME TX3440 User Manual
Page 17

t X 3 4 4 0
i n s t r u c t i o n m A n uA l
PA G E 1 7
the tX3440 allows you to select Duplex operation
individually on each channel.
to enable or disable Duplex on a channel
1. select the required channel 1-8 (the Duplex setting
feature is only available on these channels).
ctcss tonEs
ctcss (continuous tone coded squelch system) is a
squelch quieting system that allows several groups of users
to share the same channel without disturbing each other. it
uses one of a set of sub-audible (very low frequency) tones
to open and close the squelch on your radio.
there are two standard tones sets, one comprising 50 tones
and the other comprising 38 tones. Both tone sets are
included in the tX3440 to provide compatibility with other
radio system.
to toggle the required tone set
1. switch the radio oFF.
. Press and
hold the sQl key while switching the radio
on again.
3. ‘ctc50’ or ‘ctc38’ will be displayed indicating which
tone set is selected
note: When switching up from ctc38 to ctc50, the
radio will retain the selected ctcss tone frequency and
automatically update the tone set number to reflect its new
position in the ctc50 tone set table.
e.g. if ctcss tone frequency 33.6 Hz (ctc38 tone set #36)
was selected, the radio will then display equivalent ctc50
tone set #47.When switching down from ctc50 to ctc38,
if there is no equivalent ctc38 frequency, the ctcss
tone will be set to ‘oF’ (0 Hz). You will need to re-select
a new tone.
to pre-select a ctcss tone
1. Press and hold the mEnu key until the radio beeps.
. Briefly press the mEnu key repeatedly until ‘ctcXX’
is displayed, where XX is a number between 1 and 50
or ‘oF’.
3. Press the or keys to select the required ctcss
tone number (see ctcss tone Frequency chart on
page 1). if the ctc38 tone set is enabled there will be
38 tones available otherwise there will be 50 tones.
note: to display the ctcss frequency instead of the tone
number, briefly press the pri key. the ctcss frequency
(in Hz) will be displayed. Briefly press the pri key again to
return to the tone number.
4. to turn ctcss tones OFF select ctcoF
5. Press and hold the mEnu key until the radio beeps,
to store the setting.
Backlighting can be set to on or oFF to satisfy
personal preference
1. Press and hold the mEnu key until the radio beeps.
. Briefly press the mEnu key repeatedly until ‘liGHt’
is displayed.
3. Press the or keys to select either on or oFF.
4. Press and hold the mEnu key until the radio beeps,
to store the setting.
BattEry / s-mEtEr / alpha sElEction
the tX3440 has the option of displaying either the battery
voltage or the incoming signal strength (s-meter) in the area
beneath the channel display. in addition, when ‘listening’
channels (41-99) are selected, the radio provides an extra
option of displaying the frequency of the selected user
channel or a custom AlPHA label (when AlPHA mode
is selected).
the listening channels are treated independently to the
normal uHF cB channels in that you can for example,
select s-meter or Battery Voltage on channels 1-40
yet display the channel frequency (or an AlPHA label)
on channels 41-99.
to display s-meter
or Battery Voltage on channels 1-40
1. select a channel from 1-40.
. Press and hold the m
Enu key until the radio beeps.
3. Briefly press the mEnu key repeatedly until ‘s-mEt’
(s meter) or ‘bAtt’ (Battery) is displayed.
4. Press the or keys to select your preferred choice of
s-mEt and batt.
5. Press and hold the mEnu key until the radio beeps,
to store the setting.
to display s-meter, Battery Voltage
or Frequency/alpha label on listening
channels (41-99):
1. select a channel from 41-99.
. Press and
hold the mEnu key until the radio beeps.
3. Briefly press the mEnu key repeatedly until ‘s-mEt’
(s meter), ‘bAtt’ (Battery) or ‘AlPHA’ is displayed.
4. Press the or keys to select your preferred choice of
s-mEt (s meter), batt (Battery) or alpha.
5. Press and hold the m
Enu key until the radio beeps,
to store the setting.