Specifications, Handheld microphone as-tvhh/tvhhc, Wireless mic receiver module as-tvrec – Galaxy Audio AS-QUAD User Manual

Page 19

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Wireless Mic Receiver Module AS-TVREC (continued)


Dim ensio ns ( L x W x H )

Buil t-i n or ex terna l

5.25 " x 3.46 " x 1.45 " (133 x 88 x 37 mm)

Weig ht

3.88 oz . (110 g)

Handheld Microphone AS-TVHH/TVHHC

Mic ro phone ty pe

Cardioid (TVHH), or Condenser
(TVHHC) dynamic capsule

RF outp ut


Spurio us emis sio n

Less than 250 nW

Dis pla y sta tu s

LC D indi cat or di spl ays channe l or freque ncy,
bat tery condi tion

Channel sele ct

SE T, UP, DOWN keys

AF contro ls

Hi/Low /Mut e sw itch

Batt er y

1.2 V (Ni -MH 1300 mAh ) * 2 AA type rechargeabl e batt ery
1.5V * 2 AA Alkal ine di sposab le

Batt er y life Ni-M H re charg eable 11 hours typi cal

Batt er y life Alk alin e dis posable 14 hours typi cal

Ante nna

Bu ilt-in

Dim ensio ns ( Dia x L )

1. 8" x 10. 4" (46 x 264 mm)

Weig ht with batt er y

9. 87 oz. (280 g)


Wireless Mic Receiver Module AS-TVREC

Ante nna mode

Double in te r media te

Dis pla y sta tu s

Channel sele ct

RF spurio us re je ctio n

110 .6 Mhz / 10 .7 MHz

LC D ind ica tor displ ay s ch an ne l or frequ en cy

SET, UP, DOWN ke ys

70 dB

Dive rsi ty

Sensit iv it y

4 V @ 30 dB SINAD


IM D re je ctio n

Adja cent channel perf or mance 68 dB @ 25 0k Hz

58 dB

Adju sta ble fre quency

Switc hin g bandwid th

Ambie nt te mpera tu re

Maxim um devia tio n

T. H. D.

Dynamic ra nge

Pre /D e- emphasis

Squelc h

Pre -p ro gra mmed max. 96 switch able channels

Max . 12 MHz

-10 ºC ~ 50 ºC

50 kH z, with lev el limiting

110 dB

Le ss tha n 0.5%

50 s


Ton e ke y an d no ise loc k du al- sq ue lch

Fre quency re sponse

Opera tin g ra nge

70 Hz ~ 16 kH z (w irel es s)

16 0 - 23 0 fee t (50 ~ 70 M) (ope n field)
with bu ilt-i n an ten na

Carrie r fre quency ra nge

640 ~ 664 MHz (96 ch.) (See chart pg.14)

Oscilla tio n ty pe

PLL syn the si ze d co ntr ol OSC
