Operations – Future Retro Mobius Owner's Manual User Manual
Page 7

Clearing notes
There are two ways to clear previous note data that may exist from a previous pattern. You can either clear all the
notes at once or individual notes one at a time.
To clear all the notes for a pattern, press the BANK key and select the pattern you want to clear all the notes from.
While holding that pattern’s step key, press the CLEAR key. Now by pressing the BANK key and entering pattern
edit mode, you will see all the step key indicators are off, showing no notes exist in that pattern.
To clear individual notes, press and hold the CLEAR key, then press the step key that represents the note-on for the
note you want to clear. you can clear as many notes as you want while holding the CLEAR key. Once clearing is
done you may release the CLEAR key. All the notes step key indicators you cleared should now be off.
Changing a note’s pitch
Once notes exist in a pattern, you can change the pitch each one is to play. Select a pattern you would like to edit,
and enter the pattern edit mode. When in the pattern edit mode, one of the 16 step key indicators will be on or
flashing showing it is the current note being edited. You can change which note is to be edited by pressing the step
key where that note starts. Notice that by pressing any keys other than where a note starts will write a new note as
described in the previous section. Once a note is selected, the display will show the pitch of that note, ranging from
C1 to D#6. Notice that the display will show an = sign for sharp notes. Using the UP/DOWN keys select the
desired pitch that the note is to play at.
When the sequencer is playing and you change a notes pitch in this way, each time the pattern reaches this step the
new notes pitch will be played. If you hold a note’s step key while you change the note’s pitch the new pitch will
not take affect until you release that notes step key. You can use this method to ensure that only the desired pitches
will be heard while the sequencer is running.
Recording accents
To record or place accents for notes, first select the pattern you want to edit and enter the pattern edit mode. One of
the step key indicators will be flashing to show the current note to be edited. Select any note by pressing the step
key where that note starts. When a note is selected the ACCENT key will be on when a note is to be accented, and
off when no accent is to occure. By pressing the ACCENT key you can turn accents on or off for that step.
Placing accents can be done while the sequencer is playing or stopped.
Clearing accents
To clear all the accents in a pattern, press and hold the CLEAR key and press the ACCENT key.
Recording glides
To record or place glides for notes, first select the pattern you want to edit and enter the pattern edit mode. One of
the step key indicators will be flashing to show the current note to be edited. Select any note by pressing the step
key where that note starts. When a note is selected the GLIDE key will be on when a note is to glide, and off when
no glide occurs for that note. By pressing the GLIDE key you can turn glides on or off for that step.
Placing glides can be done while the sequencer is playing or stopped.
Clearing glides
To clear all the glides in a pattern, press and hold the CLEAR key and press the GLIDE key.