Futaba GY520 User Manual
Page 16

GY520 P
Entering Programming Mode
Press and hold the button on the side of the GY520. After
3 seconds the LED indicator will momentarily change to violet.
Release the button and the gyro will begin fl ashing once per
second. The color shown is the option selected for the 1st
parameter [Servo Type]. For example, if you see one Blue Flash
then the [Servo Type] is set to Digital 1520 S. If you see one
Red Flash then the [Servo Type] is set to Digital 760 S servo.
The number of fl ashes is the parameter number you are viewing
and the color of the LED indicates the setting that has been
selected. Please see the GY520 Parameters and Settings Table.
Changing the setting within a parameter
To move to the next setting within a parameter, quickly (less
than one second) press and release the button on the gyro. The
LED will begin fl ashing rapidly. This indicates that the gyro
needs confi rmation of the change. While the LED is fl ashing,
rapidly press and release the button again to confirm the
change. The confirmation request flash will last one second,
after this period of time the gyro will return to the parameter
menu without making a change. Always ensure that the change
has taken place by counting the number of fl ashes and verify
the color of the indicator LED.
Moving to the next Parameter
Press and continue to hold the button on the side of the GY520.
After 2 seconds the LED indicator will momentarily change to
violet. Release the button and the gyro will move to the next
parameter. The number of fl ashes will change to refl ect this.
Y520 Mnl.indd 16
Y520 Mnl.indd 16
4/7/2009 7:55:04 AM
4/7/2009 7:55:04 AM