Futaba GY502 User Manual
Page 34

*If you try to fly the helicopter while the gyro direction is incorrect,
when the rotor rotates clockwise, the helicopter nose will yaw to
the left and cause an extremely dangerous situation.
*However, when using the gyro in the CMT mode, since the AVCS
and NOR mode gain must be set during hovering and in flight, a
transmitter with a gyro mixing function (T9Zwc series, T8Usuper
series) is necessary.
•For a description of transmitter setting, see the remote gain function
Rudder servo linkage check
Make the initial linkage connections in the NOR mode. In this case,
make adjustments mechanically and make minimum trimmer
adjustments at the transmitter.
In the NOR mode, make the following linkage checks:
•In the rudder neutral position, connect the linkage at the position at
which the servo horn and control wire are perpendicular.
Control wire
Set the servo horn length based on the
helicopter manufacturer's instructions.
Move the rudder stick to the right and left and check the direction of
operation of the tail rotor. If the tail rotor turns in the wrong direc-
tion, reverse the direction with the transmitter reverse function.
Gyro operation direction check
If the rudder servo moves to the left when the nose of the helicopter
moves to the right, the gyro direction is correct.
If the rudder servo moves to the right, switch
the direction using the GDir screen.