Futaba 9VHP User Manual

Page 25

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Programmable Mixing

Four separate Programmable Mixing circuits allow almost infinite mixing combinations. The

features of this program provide the modeler with unlimited versatility in trimming and
controlling complex, high-performance models.

• Mixing of any two channels is possible.
• Four completely independent mixing circuits

are available.

• Mixing amounts can be adjusted independently

in either direction from neutral or offset point.

•The PROG-MIX ON/OFF Switch can be


•The point at which the mixing direction re-

verses is fully-adjustable.

•PROG-MIX circuits can be mixed with or

"slaved" to built-in mixing functions.

• P R O G - M I X circuits can be mixed with each


•Trim corrections on the "Master" channel can

be added to the slave channel or not, as de-

• Bi-directional mixing can be accomplished

using two mixing circuits (Ex: Flapperons)

•Adverse coupling of control inputs in fixed-

wing aircraft can be eliminated. (Ex: Tendency
to roll when rudder is applied in knife-edge

Slave Channel

Operation (Mixing) Amount

Master Channel

When the SET program

key is pressed, the

screen is displayed.

Mixing Circuit Number

+ and - indicate the
direction of mixing

Circuit is usable when set
to ON

When ON, the trim inputs to the

"Master" channel are also mixed

to the "Slave" channel. When
OFF,trim on the "Master"

channel affects the "Master"
channel only.

Switch Mode (ON/OFF
Switch Selection)

Indicates the control stick

position that the mixing

reference point ( R / L or

U/D Direction Change
Point) is offset to.

1. Always ON

2. ELEV.D/R Switch
3. RUD.D/R CH9 Switch

4. IDLE UP 1 and 2 (Both

switches must be ON)

5. GEAR (CH5)