Operating instructions – Futaba 9VHP User Manual

Page 12

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• When adjusting and setting the transmitter functions, connect the receiver and servos, and

make the adjustments while observing the operation of the servos.

• Alternatively, when studying the operation of transmitter functions, remove the transmit-

ter RF module (to reduce battery drain). The effects of adjustments can be viewed on the

SRV program screen (See page 50).

Set the power switch to the ON position. The standard screen shown below appears on the

LCD display.


Pressing both keys simultaneously,
resets the integrating timer.
Display will read 0:00:00.

Integrating Timer display

•Tx 10.1V Transmitter Voltage
• Ex 0.0V The receiver battery voltage can be measured by using the DSC cord supplied.


The TIMER function can be used to monitor flying time, fuel consumption, at contests,

etc. Four different timing functions are available: Up Timer, Down Timer, Rhythmic Timer,
and Total (Integrating) Timer.

Timer Functions

1) Up Timer This timer counts up from zero in

1 second steps. Its maximum count is 59:59.

When the alarm time is set, a buzzer begins to
sound 10 seconds before the set time is up.
The buzzer also sounds at each 1 minute

interval. When the time reaches 59:59, timing
restarts from 00:00.

2) Down Timer This timer counts down from

the set time in 1 second steps. Operation is
otherwise the same as the Up Timer.

3) Rhythmic Timer This is a 0.1 second cyclic

timer. A buzzer sounds at each set alarm

interval. When the set alarm interval elapses,

the counting automatically restarts.

4) Total (Integrating) Timer This timer records

the total transmitter ON time. It is very useful
for estimating remaining Nicd battery capac-

ity and monitoring total flying time. Maxi-

mum count is 59:59:59.
