FloAire FastWrap XL Commercial Kitchen Grease Duct Enclosure System User Manual
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layer of FastWrap XL is cut so as to overlap the first layer a
minimum of 1-1/2” (38mm). It is essential that the first and
second layer fit tightly against the surrounding wrap with no
through openings. The third and outside layer should be
cut to overlap the second insulation layer by a minimum of
1-1/2” (38mm). Minimum 1-1/2” (38mm) round or square
insulation clips are installed on the insulation pins to secure
the three layers of insulation to the access cover plate. All
cut edges of the insulation shall be taped with minimum 3”
(75mm) wide aluminum foil tape. Wing nuts and washers
are installed on the four threaded rods, and tightened
against the hollow steel tubes to seal the access cover
plate to the duct.
2) Field Insulated DuctMate Access Doors (Figure 3) –
DuctMate Ultimate and F2 doors are approved for use with
FastWrap XL, and shall be installed according to DuctMate
Industries installation instructions. A 16 gage (1.4mm)
outer cover plate is required, which is 6” (152mm) larger in
width and length than the DuctMate door, and which has
holes drilled to match the threaded rods on the DuctMate
door. Four 12 gage (3mm) insulation pins are welded to
this outer cover plate, and three layers of FastWrap XL are
impaled and fastened using minimum 1-1/2” (38mm) insula-
tion clips. The insulation layer adjacent to the DuctMate
door is cut to the size of the door and each successive layer
has an overlap of 1-1/2” (38mm) over the adjacent layer. It
is essential that the first and second layer fit tightly against
the surrounding wrap with no through openings. All edges
of insulation blanket must be sealed with minimum 3”
(75mm) wide aluminum foil tape. The insulated cover plate
is installed over the Ductmate threaded rods, and held tight
against the duct with wing nuts and washers.
3) FireMaster Factory Built Access Doors (Figure 3) –
FireMaster doors are tested per ASTM E2336 and are
intended for use in two layer installations. FireMaster
access doors come complete and ready for installation with
a DuctMate® F2 access door, cut-out template, an outside
cover plate with proper signage, an as tested FastWrap XL
insulation package, and installation instructions.
F. Through Penetration Firestop System (Figure 2) - When
the duct penetrates a fire rated assembly an approved fire
stop system must be employed. Figure 2 provides a com-
plete list of UL / ULC firestop design listings which can be
found in the Certifications Directory at www.ul.com for US
systems and www.ulc.ca for Canadian systems. Prior to
installing any firestop system the surfaces of all openings
and penetrating items must be clean and dry. The FastWrap
XL core blanket (or mineral wool where allowed by the
firestop design listing) must be compressed into the annular
space. The packing material must be recessed a minimum
depth from the surface of the concrete or gypsum assembly.
The recessed opening must be filled with a minimum thick-
ness of an approved firestop sealant. The packing material
type and compression, minimum recess (typically 1/4”
(6mm)), and approved firestop sealant and thickness (typi-
cally 1/4” (6mm)) shall be as specified in an approved UL /
ULC firestop design listing. When there is not sufficient
annular space around the duct to run the FastWrap XL
enclosure system continuous through the fire rated assem-
bly, the enclosure may terminate above and below the
floor/ceiling assembly or on either side of a wall assembly as
shown in Figure 2. When this method is used, the FastWrap
XL must be mechanically attached on either side of the fire
rated assembly using one of the attachment methods
described in Section D, spaced a maximum of 1-1/2” (38mm)
from the fire rated assembly.
G. Support Hanger Systems
1) Grease ducts installed per ASTM E2336 and UL1978 –
Support hangers do not need to be wrapped when duct is
supported with minimum 3/8” (10mm) diameter threaded
steel rod, on maximum 60” (1500mm) centers, with mini-
mum 2” (50mm) x 2” (50mm) x 1/8” (3mm) steel angle tra-
peze supports.
2) Grease ducts installed per ULC Grease Duct Protocol
and ULC Listings FRD 4 and 7 – Support hangers do not
need to be wrapped when duct is supported with minimum
1/2” (13mm) diameter threaded steel rod, on maximum 60”
(1500mm) centers, with minimum 2” (50mm) x 2” (50mm) x
3/16” (5mm) steel angle trapeze supports. For ducts not
exceeding 155 in
(0.1 m
) and with no dimension exceed-
ing 16” (406mm) a minimum 3/8” (10mm) diameter steel rod
with minimum 1-1/2” (38mm) x 1-1/2” (38mm) x 5/32”
(4mm) steel angle trapeze support are approved.
3) HVAC ducts – Support hangers do not need to be wrapped
when duct is supported with minimum 1/2” (13mm) diame-
ter threaded steel rod, on maximum 60” (1500mm) centers,
with minimum 2” (50mm) x 2” (50mm) x 3/16” (5mm) steel
angle trapeze supports. For ducts not exceeding 387 in
(0.25 m
) and with no dimension exceeding 39” (1000mm)
a minimum 3/8” (10mm) diameter steel rod with minimum 1-
1/2” (38mm) x 1-1/2” (38mm) x 5/32” (4mm) steel angle tra-
peze support may be used. The trapeze supports may be
incorporated into the wrap enclosure provided an approved
intumescent firestop sealant is used to seal any penetra-
tions of the wrap enclosure.
8. Maintenance and Repair
No maintenance is required when installed in accordance with
Thermal Ceramics installation instructions. If damage is limit-
ed to the foil facing, aluminum foil tape can be used to repair
the foil facing. If an area of blanket is found to be damaged
the following procedure must be incorporated. If the damaged
area is larger than 8” (203mm) x 8” (203mm) the entire wrap
section must be removed and replaced according to Thermal
Ceramics installation instructions. If the damaged area is
small (less than 8” (203mm) x 8” (203mm)), the damaged area
must be cut away and replaced with a new section 1” (25mm)
larger in length and width than the cut out are, such that the
new section can be compressed tightly into the cut out area.
All cut edges of the new section must be taped and sealed wth
aluminum foil tape. The new section must be held in place with
either pinning or banding per Thermal Ceramics installation
9. Limitations
Thermal Ceramics FastWrap XL shall be installed in accor-
dance with these installation instructions. The integrity of
FastWrap XL systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
*For personal protective equipment recommendations see the MSDS.