Expert Sleepers USAMO v1.0.0 User Manual
Page 13
Selecting the MIDI input
The text box labelled ‘Source’ selects the MIDI port to listen on. It is usually easier to use
the ‘Browse’ button next to it, which brings up a dialog listing the available MIDI input
ports on your system. Select the port to which you connected the MIDI cable from the
The Enable button starts the sending of test messages. It also resets the ‘Test Failures’
count to zero.
The Type menu selects the type of test messages to send. The options are:
• Notes (Random) - sends note on/off messages with randomised channel, note number
and velocity.
• Notes (Exhaustive) - sends all possible note on/off messages, iterating though all
channels, note numbers and velocities in turn.
• Clocks - sends MIDI clock messages (including start/stop/continue)
• Clocks + SPP - sends MIDI clock messages, and Song Position Pointer messages before
each continue message.
• Message - sends a fixed MIDI message, using the values from the three Byte knobs.
• Sysex - sends a MIDI System Exclusive dump. The ‘Byte 3’ knob sets the size of the
dump in kilobytes.
The Interval knob sets the time (in milliseconds) between test messages.
There are two history displays in test mode - “Sent (Test)” and “Received (Test Input)”.
They show the test messages sent, and the messages received on the test MIDI input port.
The received messages are coloured green if they match the sent message, or red if they do