Mix/blend and vibrato configuration – Empress Effects Phaser User Manual
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Mix/Blend and Vibrato Configuration
The Empress Phaser allows the blend knob to be configured
either as a blend knob, or a mix knob.
It ships configured as a blend knob. In this configuration there is
a constant amount of dry signal. As you turn the blend knob
clockwise, wet signal is added in.
In mix knob mode, with the knob turned 100% clockwise, you
hear only phased signal. When the knob is in this position there
is no dry signal being added to the wet signal so you’ll get a
vibrato type effect. The more you increase the width and speed,
the more pronounced the effect becomes.
To get a regular phaser sound when the pedal is in the mix
configuration, set the knob to the 12 o’clock position. This adds
the dry and wet signal at equal volumes giving you maximum
phase cancellation.