Operation – Campbell Hausfeld CE7000 User Manual
Page 12

Operating Instructions
IMPORTANT: Check motor rotation before operating the compressor�
All lubricated compressor pumps discharge some condensed water and oil with the
compressed air� Install appropriate water/oil removal equipment and controls as
necessary for the intended application�
Failure to install appropriate water/oil removal
equipment may result in damage to machinery or workpiece.
The belt guard provided must be installed before operating
the unit.
All moving parts must be guarded� All electrical covers must be installed
before turning on the power�
reCoMMended BreAk-in period
The compressor should be run continuously for one hour to allow proper seating of the
piston rings�
1� Open drain cock completely and run the compressor for 60 minutes�
2� Turn off the compressor and close drain cock� The compressor is now ready for use�
preSSure SWitCH, StArt - Stop
NOTE: This compressor has a maximum operating pressure of 175 psi. Do not alter
pressure settings on control components above this limit�
The compressor unit starts and stops based on preset pressure switch settings of 145
psi cut-in and 175 psi cut-off� The pressure switch contains an unloader which is a
small valve that vents air to allow the motor to start easily (see Figure 15)�
The unloader valve on the pressure switch should hiss for a short period of time when
the compressor shuts off� This relieves the head and the exhaust tubing of any pressure
and allows the compressor to start under no load. Because compressors have high
starting torque the unloader is necessary for proper starting of the compressor�
The check valve is a one way valve that keeps the air in the tank when the unit shuts off�
The easiest way to determine if the check valve is working properly is to make sure that
the pressure switch unloader quits hissing after the compressor shuts off� The hissing
should last for several seconds and then quit�
CrAnkCASe BreAtHer
During severe operating conditions or initial start-up, some oil may accumulate
at the crankcase breather opening� This is normal and will diminish as the pump
accumulates run time and the piston rings become fully seated�
drAininG tAnk
Condensate must be drained from the tank daily� On Shop Air Series models use
manual tank drain (see Figure 16)� Automotive Series models include an automatic
tank drain which must be installed (see Figure 17)� Refer to instructions provided with
the automatic drain�
figure 17 - Automatic tank drain
figure 16 - Manual tank drain
figure 15 - pressure Switch