Control description – Drawmer D62 Digital Module User Manual
Page 9

The D62 module is a very high resolution analogue to digital
converter utilising proprietary Drawmer technology. It has a
selection of sophisticated dither options. There is a proprietary
system enabling up to 23-bit wordlength recordings to be
made across three tracks of a digital multitrack where the
multitrack machine is less than 24-bit resolution. In the case
of the D62-T, recording is possible on a Tascam™ DA88,
DA38 or TDIF-1 compatible machine, whereas the D62-A card
provides an optical interface for Alesis ADAT™ and
compatible machines.
Various software options are available to incorporate 16, 20 or
24-bit machines.
If any WORD LENGTH yellow LED is flashing, an
unrecoverable power ‘brownout’ (voltage dip or glitch) has
caused the DSP to mute its digital outputs. Switch the power
Off and On again to restore normal operation.
There are two push-button switches on the D62-T rear connector panel.
These should only need setting during installation as they define input and
out cable preferences. For additional information, see the D62 Installation
section on page 3.
Input Select:
If an external word clock is available, this push button selects its source.
Either the BNC connector, the TDIF-1 or ADAT digital input can be the
1962 master clock. The front panel Sample Rate option EXT CLK activates
this clock source.
The External WORD SYNC and TDIF (ADAT) clock inputs are filtered
through a low-noise PLL (Phase Locked Loop) in the D62, the clock
frequency (sample rate) should be within the range 29KHz to 51KHz. If the
PLL cannot lock to the incoming clock reliably, the EXT CLK front panel
LED will flash indicating that audible glitches and distortion will be
introduced. See page 3.
Output Select:
Selects AES/EBU via the XLR socket, or, S/PDIF via the RCA Phono
socket with appropriate data output formats. This switch setting does not
affect the T-DIF or ADAT output.