Key filter, Linking – Drawmer MX40 Pro Quad Channel Punch Gate User Manual
Page 7

Key Filter
Key Listen
In normal operation, the filter only affects the way the MX40
responds to the incoming programme material - it does not have
any direct effect on the output signal, but when Key listen is
enabled, the effect of the key filter on the programme material is
heard at the output. These switches are independent of any
linking and enable Key Listen of only their respective channel.
Trigger Freq.
50Hz to 8KHz with a width (or ‘Q’) of one octave.
Use Key Filter to hear the filter, and tune into the loudest part of
the trigger source sound.
Ext Key
W hen in the Ext(ernal) Key position, the LED will be illuminated
and the common external key source buss is used to control the
gate action, making it possible to gate one sound according to the
signal dynamics of another, independent signal. If released, this
switch causes the gate to respond to the dynamics of the signal
present at the channel signal input socket.
If no Ext Key input is plugged into the unit, then Channel 1's
audio signal becomes the default trigger source available to all
channels selected by the Key Input.
Filter In
This switch is used to enable the control of the key trigger filter. It
is normal that this switch would be selected except where the
internal (or external) control signal has a broad spectrum of audio
information that the narrow pass-band of the filter would
otherwise restrict trigger information.
Slave Link
The Link buttons are located between odd/even channels, and
when depressed, cause the channel on the right (channel 2 or 4)
to be controlled by the left-hand channel (channel 1 or 3). In
linked mode, the red status LED beneath the Slave Link switch
will be illuminated, and the Ext Key and Peak Punch LEDs of the
slave channel will be extinguished. This indicates which controls
of the slave channel are still operative.